Sunday, July 1, 2012


It's true...we have jumped on the band wagon of blogging. There are several reasons why we have made this life-changing decision. I will list them:

  • I am a horrible journal keeper. Hopefully I will be better at recording our life happenings through this blog than I am in my journal. Plus if our house were to burn down and we were to lose all of our worldly possessions, I would still have this cute little blog of family memories. 
  • I love hearing about friends and family and maybe if I keep updating this blog it will inspire others to do the same with their own...cough cough...Amanda. 
  • We do fun things from time to time; Tanner and I just aren't very good at documenting our adventures through photos. Maybe through this blog I will remember to grab the camera and actually take pictures because seriously, we all know how boring a post is without at least one photo.
  • We will be moving to Kirksville, Missouri in a week (Yay Medical School!) and will then be many miles from any family. Hopefully this blog will lessen the pain and the reality of being so dad-blasted far from all family. 
  • We have been asked several times if we had a blog by friends and family...this is for all of you.
Is it crazy to say that I'm kind of nervous about this? I never realized how difficult blogging really is. So I'm sure there will be many times where the pictures will end up huge or teeny or my type will be impossible to read. But hopefully you'll just bear with me as I learn the art of blogging.

Also, If you aren't obsessed with Mariah and could care less what she has been up to I wouldn't suggest you read this blog. I can say with full confidence that she will make up a large part of our posts because she is just too darn cute not to.
If you disagree, you are a cold cold individual and I pity you. 


  1. Hooray! I can't wait to hear all about your adventures! Good luck with school.

  2. So glad you have a blog!! Happy for you and Tanner!!! I know he's a hard worker, he and I had a lot of chem classes together! You guys will do great in Missouri!

  3. She is a Crossley, of course she is darn cute:) It's in her genes! Good luck on your move.

  4. So glad you did it!
    Our is all about Mabin too.
    But we've found out that since we've had him that's all that anyone cares about anyways.
    Mikey and I are chopped liver these days.

  5. Okay, okay. I got the hint. ;) I love that you're blogging so I can keep up with the happenings of Her Royal Cuteness. xo!
