Sunday, May 1, 2016

Four Months

 This just so wonderful. Just a few tidbits about our growing boy:

  • Still practically perfect. He is getting to the stage where he gets sad if he is put down but all I have to do is give him a little pep talk and he gets happy again. 
  • Still a great sleeper. We had a few nights where he was up every two hours and that made me a little nervous but it hasn't happened for a while. He takes amazing naps so I am able to really focus on Mariah and Chet. 
  • He is adored by his big sister. Mariah loves to "read" stories to Chet and play with him. For the most part Chet doesn't pay much attention to him but every once and a while he will "read" to him as well. 
A little after-nap storytime
The perfect patient. 
  • He is still super quite but I've found if I'm ever alone with him he starts chatting more. Sadly it is rarely quiet around here so he doesn't talk much. 
  • He has laughed a few times but we have to work really hard for it. Except for my friend Bethany who got him to laugh for the second time by just talking to him. 
  • Austin has discovered his hands and they are always in his mouth. He still hasn't committed to strictly sucking his thumb because he switches between the thumb or his fingers. 
  • Still huge for his age. He now fills out 6-9 month clothes quite nicely. 

Austin and his lady friends Gracie and Jane. They were all born within a few weeks of each other. 
He is such a happy baby and we just love our little man. 
Who couldn't love a face like that?