Thursday, July 26, 2012

Oh Laughter...

Mariah is a somewhat serious child. Tanner believes she is a "somber child" like in Mormon chapter 1 verse 2. Yes, Mariah will be just like the prophet Mormon. When it is just Tanner and I though, she is so smiley and happy. But right when we whip out the camera she becomes stone faced, or I mean, somber. So that is why I was so pleased to catch this on camera...

Yes, we know it's upside down. But we were so giddy and excited we didn't have time to think of little trivialities like the angle of the camera. 


  1. Oh my goodness! Absolutely adorable.

  2. I can't watch it :(
    I'm so challenged when it comes to technology.

  3. This is the cutest! I watched it over and over. I love the little squeak she makes when she inhales!!

  4. okaaay, Ash she is so dang cute! I love your little description of a "somber child". Haha!
