Friday, May 17, 2013

Not Just Getting Fat...

Mariah had the honor of making the big announcement on this here blog but I decided I should get to make this one. I might have let Tanner but since his nose is glued to his ipad studying for his last test and finals I thought he would be ok with me doing it.

We are having a BOY! Woohoo! I really tried to think of some cute way to announce it. But let's be honest, most of you knew already what we were having so my natural lazy instincts kicked in. Yes, I am a bum. And I become even more of a bum when I am pregnant.

I did do something cute to announce Mariah, but it wasn't even my idea. Tanner is the creative one around here. I've seen it on Pinterest a lot now, but I know he couldn't have seen it there. He has ESPN to fill his down time; no need for Pinterest. So I'll just show you that!

I'm about that size now, so just imagine a blue bow and we're good! Truthfully, I'm bigger this go-around. I really had to shove my belly out in this picture so that I would look pregnant. Sorry though, no pictures. I'm really not a fan of pictures when I'm pregnant. I took enough with Mariah, I'm done with that.

This pregnancy has been the same as my first so far. Easy-peasy. And no, I'm not just being tough. I'm actually a pretty whiny person. Maybe thats why I have easy pregnancies. Otherwise no one would ever want to be around me. Tanner probably would have said one was enough; I would lose all my friends; doctors would refuse to treat get the point.

We are so excited to be having this baby. It makes it seem more real for me once I know the gender. I love to pat my belly and talk to my "little man". I'm in love with him already! And if anyone is wondering, Tanner is giddy about having a boy. "Someone to carry on the name..." Guys say thats why they want a boy, but I think they just want someone they can wrestle with.

To be honest though, after spending a year with this "sweet thang", I think he would have been just as excited to have a girl.

Monday, May 13, 2013

My Day Off

I was very spoiled this Mother's Day. Tanner woke up with Mariah, fed her and even sucked out her snotty nose. I think I could have slept 'til noon if Mariah's blood-curdling screams didn't wake me up (she is not a fan of the nasal aspirator). This is what I woke up to:

Magically Delicious Crepes (they were filled with strawberries, bananas, peaches, whipped cream and chocolate ice cream. Then topped off with caramel chocolates and chocolate syrup, my man knows me well). And cheesy love notes (in case you couldn't tell, those are cheezits). One of my requests for mother's day was a "cheesy love note" from Tanner. He may have taken me a little too literally. So he isn't much of a romantic, but he sure can make me laugh.

Tanner cleaned the kitchen and made Mariah a lunch while I got Mariah and myself ready for church. After church he made me dinner and a delicious peach cobbler that we shared with friends. And once again, he did all the dishes. He's a keeper.

Mariah gave me a great gift for Mother's day as well. After church she had a little bit of a meltdown so we decided to put her down for a late nap. When I got her up from her nap she cuddled with me for a good ten minutes. It was wonderful. I don't think she could have given me anything that would have made me happier.

I am so grateful for my own mother. She is such a wonderful example to me. I am so grateful for the decision she made to be sealed to my father for time and all eternity in the temple and to have seven children. I know it wasn't easy; now that I have my own child I know just a fraction of the sacrifices she made each and every day. Thank you mom for all that you have done and continue to do!

I'm also so grateful for my mother-in-law. I know that Tanner didn't end up being as gentle and caring as he is and with such a strong Testimony by accident. Thank you momma Crossley for all that you taught your son. We love you so much!

Food Glorious Food...

Mariah loves to eat. I don't have anyone to compare to, but I'm pretty sure she eats more than the average 1 year old. It shouldn't come as a surprise to me, considering how much food I consume but that is a whole different topic. I'm always expecting her to chub out more but she must have a pretty high metabolism (the girl takes after her father in so many ways).

The last few weeks Mariah has changed her eating tactics. I do not steal food from my child. I do not tell her to hurry and eat faster. But if you saw the way she eats, you would probably think that...

It ages me 2 years every time she does this...