Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I forgot to blog last week...so maybe I'll do two posts this week! Don't get your hopes up; I make no promises.

I love Sundays; I always have. I love the opportunity to renew covenants that I have made and gather in worship with others. (For those of you who are curious as to what the Crossley family believes you can click here. The videos on this website are awesome! I like to watch them when I'm in need of a spiritual boost.)

At the beginning of this adventure known as medical school Tanner decided he wouldn't study on Sundays. Which gives me one more reason to love that day so much!

This Sunday Mariah and I got to tag along with Tanner on one of his church assignments. We visited the wonderful Sorhus family. It was so much fun. They have a wonderful assortment of exotic animals.

This tiny little bundle of joy is a Juliana Piglet. Oh My Word...so cute. I grew up with pigs and after all of my experiences the only kind of pig I like is a baby pig. This was the cutest baby pig I have ever seen. It was so teeny tiny, it had the most dainty squeal. Juliana's grow to be about the size of a pot belly pig. I was in love.

Then there were the bengal kittens

Mariah was so excited. These cats grow up to be really beautiful. I couldn't get a good picture of the adults but if you're really interested you can google them. Yes, I'm lazy.

There was an older kitten that I couldn't get to come to me, but of course, it hopped right on Tanner's lap and made itself at home:

Here's the irony in it all...Tanner hates cats, can't stand them. But they just looove him. Two summers ago we went to Point Reyes in San Francisco for my birthday and there was a cat there that would not leave Tanner alone. Tanner knelt down to get something out of his bag and the cat pounced. I was trying to get the cat to come to me, but she waltzed right by to jump into this handsome man's lap. Can't blame her.

You can just see the love in his face

I think the truth is that Tanner is a crazy cat lady stuck in a manly man body, he just doesn't want to admit it. But the cats know; they can sense it.

Then there was the Norwegian Fjord:

I've only seen these in zoos so I was pretty excited to get a picture. 

They also have, miniature Jersey cows, sheep, three dogs that look kind of like Brittany Spaniels but aren't Brittany Spaniels, chickens, and will be getting a goat soon. These people are my heroes.

I have been missing animals. The other night I caught a cat wandering around our house and tried to bring it into the house, I figured Tanner would get a real kick out of it. Anyways, I could only hold it with one hand so I had to kick on the door, hoping Tanner would come open it for me. The cat was wiggling up a storm, probably because it could sense the cat lady in Tanner coming and was just so excited. In its excitement it wriggled out of my grasp and ran off before Tanner could open the door. He wasn't as disappointed as I thought he would be when he found out the cat got away. Sorry, random tangent to show you how deprived of animal interaction I was feeling. 

Though the animals were all pretty amazing, I think my favorite at the Sorhus farm was David:

He was Mariah's favorite too. Boy did he love to talk. We struggled understanding what he was saying but his parents spoke his language so they translated for us. He was so adorable. I mean, look at that bow tie. What a cutie patootie.


  1. I died when I saw that baby piggy.
    I must have one.

  2. So you're picking up stray cats to fulfill the animal void in your life. Who's the crazy cat lady? Hmmm...

    I think I have to side with Tanner in the great cat debate, though the bengal kittens are pretty cool!

  3. I visit teach Meg and I was trying to explain to him how stinking adorable this little pig was. I forgot my camera when I went and I was bummed. I kept talking about it because I couldn't get over it after going to her house and seeing it. Tonight I looked at your blog and found a pic of the pig! I was so happy to have Lane see what I was talking about. Isn't her house exciting?!
