Thursday, October 11, 2012

Mariah's New Trick

It's so fun when Mariah discovers something new that she can do. This is one of the few times she has actually done this little trick so I'm glad I caught it on film. 

Don't you just love those chubby cheeks? They are too much. And sorry about all of my face, the only way I could get her to cooperate was if she could see herself being filmed on the ipod.


  1. I. Just. Died! D.J. and I cracked up watching this. Love her! Love you! I'm so glad you're in the video - it makes it so much more awesome.

  2. She is adorable! i am glad i found your blog ashley :) what a cute little family you have!

  3. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh my gosh!!!!!!!!!! i wanted to crack up, but couldn't less i miss something! ohhh mariah!

  4. That's so cute and hilarious! I love it.

  5. I'm finally able to watch your videos. I kills me how serious Mariah is in this one. The whole time, not even cracking a smile. So cute.
