Friday, November 2, 2012

Pun'kin Patch

Last year on Halloween Tanner and I really got into the holiday. Tanner worked all day and I made pizza "Crossley style" (it's wonderful, those Crossleys know how to make pizza). Tanner came home and we ate pizza with my little brother Tyler. We didn't even think about costumes. Lame, I know.

Luckily this year we have great friends who threw a Halloween party. This meant I had to come up with costumes. And since I'm such a crafty person, I quickly called my actual crafty mother and begged her to mail us some old classics and then prayed they would arrive in time for the party. The mail Gods were smiling down on us because we got them the day before the party.

A pumpkin patch and its/their? farmer! Took less than an hour to put together which was a good thing because thats all the time we had that day. Plus I think Mariah looks just precious as a little pumpkin, and I think my pumpkin had a slimming effect on me. I know people could argue that we were technically Jack O' Lanterns, but then I would have actually had to come up with something creative for Tanner to be which would have required making a costume. That wasn't happening, so we were pumpkins.
There were a lot of people at this party and I wasn't having much fun running into everyone and everything so my costume stayed on a total of ten minutes. I'm just not that hard core. Sorry.
There were so many awesome costumes though. I wish I would have taken more pictures but this is all that I got:

The first one are of the Hills as Hera, Zeus and Baby Hercules, second picture are the Bouwhuis family minus Princess Peach and their costume is pretty obvious, and the third one is the Miners as well, miners. Yes, these are the people I hang out with, yes I know how lucky I am. Maybe their creativity will begin to rub off on me.  Here's to hoping...
The party was great. We had dinner in a pumpkin, a pinata and minute to win it games. Chelsea and Colette did a great job putting it all together! Thanks guys for getting the Crossleys to actually dress up for Halloween.


  1. Your costumes are awesome! Lane and I were late and didn't get to see you guys in your complete attire ;) I love it. Great post!

  2. Haha!! I totally forgot about the giant pumpkin costume. It's quite becoming on you. :)

    Don't worry about the dressing up thing. Elise was totally disappointed that I didn't dress up as the Wicked Witch of the West opposite her Dorothy. It was to go trick-or-treating at D.J.'s work. He politely requested that I dress as a normal person, so I had to comply.
