Monday, November 5, 2012

Holy Cow She's Seven Months Old...

Mom: You are seven months old!

Mariah: Yep!

Mom: Now that you've gone a whole month eating solid foods, what are some of your favorites?

Mariah: I love sweet potatoes, applesauce, bananas and tonight I tried acorn squash for the first time and really loved it. I don't know why it tasted so darn good but after the first bite I got so excited I started waving my arms around and rocking out in my high chair.

Mom: It may have been the butter and brown sugar I put on the squash (yes I know, "a 7 mo. old eating sugar?!" I was too lazy to make something separate for Mariah so I decided to just share the 'big kids' squash with her). You were pretty hyper after that so I think we're going to keep sugar out of your diet for a little longer.

Mariah: Bummer.

Mom: Any food you don't like?

Mariah: Avocados for sure! I can barely gag them down.

Mom: It's alright, I wasn't a fan of them as a child either. What are your favorite things to do?

Mariah: I just love my walker! Right when you put me in it I head over to the stove and dishwasher to talk to my friend.

Mom: I don't blame you; she's pretty cute. Here, I'll put up a video of you going to your happy place.
Mariah: I forgot how fun it was to blow rasberries. I haven't done that for a while.

Mom: Yeah, I was sad when you stopped. What else do you like to do?

Mariah: I love when you or dad throw me up in the air or give me airplane rides. I also really like getting bounced on your knees and playing "This is the Way the Lady Rides". I'm starting to really like it when you read to me too and I get so excited when you turn the page. I love sucking on your face but don't get to do it very often because you are always dodging me.

Mom: I'm not a big fan of that last one.

Mariah: Oh and I love other babies! I smile so big when I see them. I'm also smiling more at strangers which keeps all my admirers at the grocery store happy.

Mom: It sure does. How do you sleep?

Mariah: Bedtimes are much better but I still make sure you come in a couple times before I fall asleep by rolling onto my stomach and crying until you come and turn me back over.

Mom: You'll figure out how to roll from your stomach to your back eventually.

Mariah: Oh I've been working on it! I get up a couple of times in the night to eat but then I go right back to sleep when I'm done. Naps are a mystery each day. I never know how long I'm going to sleep. But that keeps life exciting!

Mom: So exciting. Are you sitting up now?

Mariah: Like a champ! I fell back and bumped my head so now when I don't want to sit up anymore I cry and hope that you'll come and lay me down.

Mom: You're a smart one. Well Baby Girl I love you so much and just love to see you grow and learn new things.

Mariah: love you too mom! Thanks for visiting with me!

1 comment:

  1. December can't come soon enough! I've got to see that girl. She's so darn cute, no wonder she is excited to see herself! Loving the pink bow, BTW!
