Monday, November 12, 2012

Finals Week

We are experiencing our first finals week of Medical School. This isn't going to be news to anyone but I'm just going to say it, Medical School isn't easy.

Here's a little perspective: Tanner took as many credits these last four months to equal the average amount of credits it takes to get a bachelors. What I did in 32 months (rough estimation), Tanner has done in 4. He is my hero. 

This has been Tanner's schedule for the past several weeks: 

Leave each morning around 7am (if it's a test day he's studying by 5am)
Come home for dinner at 6pm
Leave for campus at 7pm
Come home around 10-11pm

He has all this ammunition, but I rarely hear Tanner complain. Sure he says that it is hard, but he is not a whiner. I'm pretty positive no one would want to be around me if I were in medical school because I'd be throwing pity-me-parties all the time. But not Tanner. After having ridiculous amounts of information thrown at him each day, he still comes home with a smile and great attitude for Mariah and I. He even helps me out with little things after his killer long days. Yes, I do know how lucky I am. 

One of the blessings that has come from medical school is how we have learned and are still learning to use the time we do have together. I cherish the conversations we have each night as we get ready for bed, and Sundays are heavenly. 

We both are aware of the many prayers that are given in our behalf and are so grateful for all of the support we receive. I know that this is just the beginning but I also know this, we will not just survive medical school, we will thrive in medical school. We have already learned so much and gotten closer and it is just the beginning.  

The purpose of this post wasn't to create pity or sympathy. My hope is that this post will help others to see that hard things can be done. And just maybe, some day these words may give me the strength I need to endure and learn from some other finals week. 

And since I cannot do a post without mentioning baby girl, here's a photo with her cool hairdo... 
The flash was just a teensy too bright but I thought it was kind of hilarious. She makes this medical school business all worth it! 


  1. Oh my heavens! I laughed so VERY hard when I saw that picture. She is something else.

    Tell Tanner we are so proud of him! Hang in there- being a student's wife is no picnic. We love you!

  2. Your post is perfect. I love your perspective and I like learning from you. And I am SO glad you included this picture at the end. That is definitely hilarious.
