Friday, January 4, 2019

Christmas Time

The older the kids get the more I feel that I need to make the month of December a special time. This year I've realized the importance of the traditions we make too, because Mariah and Chet will remember them now. I made a chain to countdown the days until Christmas and each day when they took off a link I would tell them something fun that we were going to do as a family. While a lot of the days were acts of service, we did some fun stuff too, mainly simple things like a Christmas music dance party, making cookies or Christmas movie. The only problem was that each morning they woke up asking, "what fun thing are we going to do today?". Not exactly the most Christmas-like attitude. So we're going to have to rethink that tradition a little. Maybe each day we'll do some type of service inside or outside the home. 

At the end of November somebody left this on our doorstep. It was such a generous, anonymous gift. The kids had fun thinking of service to do so they could put straw in the manger. The straw fell out and was put back in many times so we had the chance to do a lot of service for each other. 

The first Saturday of the month we were driving home from cleaning the church and I saw a Santa outside an antique store that I've been wanting to go in. I made Tanner turn around so that the kids could see Santa and I could see the store, win-win for the kids and I. Tanner was annoyed but felt a little better when he found the little smokies and other snacks that they were giving out. The kids got to make an ornament and talk to Santa. 

 Austin refused to go by Santa, even when I said I would go with him. When Santa asked if he would give him a high five Austin walked by, giving him a wide berth, and promptly gave knuckles to a random guy who was waiting for us to walk by. Something about the white beard maybe? 

On Hanukkah we made homemade donuts and ate almost all of them in one sitting. Any holiday that encourages the eating of fried foods is one that we can get behind. We did talk a little about why the Jewish religion celebrates Hanukkah as well but the donuts were the highlight of the evening. 

We went to the live nativity again and the kids loved petting all the animals. Eliza loved it so much she slept through the whole thing. I'm so grateful for those who are willing to brave the cold to help us learn and remember the true meaning of Christmas. 

Another night we made and decorated sugar cookies. I let the kids pick out a shape that they would get to eat. They each decorated cookies to give away as well. 

 Dog Bone

We gave out cookies to neighbors and friends. One day I was telling the kids about the doorbell ditching my family always did at Christmas time and they decided that they wanted to doorbell ditch our neighbor Donna. I wasn't sure if she would eat cookies without knowing who they were from so I put a little note on them. Mariah and Chet were so excited and I have a feeling we'll be doing a lot of that now. 

I just found out this year about a Santa about five minutes from where we live. A family decorates their yard in tons of lights and decorations and then children can come see Santa and get a gift and then walk through their yard. It is all volunteers who do it and the kids loved it. 

 Mariah told him she wanted a cat for Christmas and the ladies who were handing out gifts were so excited that they had one to give to her. 

 Austin got a little closer this time. Maybe he just thought the other Santa was a little too fancy for him; this guy really was so nice and good with the kids so I'm sure that was why he was willing to get so close. 
 This picture was taken right after Eliza was told she was so handsome and going to be a little heartbreaker (by another mom waiting in line). Apparently the blue was misleading. She looks so disgusted. 
When we found this Nativity display Mariah said, "This is for the real meaning of Christmas." Guess we're doing something right. 

I had some grand plans of making homemade gingerbread houses but when I saw this gingerbread train at Aldis for only eight dollars, reason stepped in. It was made for less than a minute before it was already being disassembled and eaten. 

We took some Christmas outfit pictures in front of the tree...

We enjoyed the annual Ugly Sweater Christmas Party 

The best Christmas gift we got this year was Aunt Natalie coming to visit. The kids had so much fun with her and I loved having her help and wonderful conversation. She is such a delight to be around and one of the most selfless people I know. One night we had the Daugherty's over to watch The Muppets Christmas Carol and Santa decided to Facetime with the kids. He knew all the kids names and read them The Night Before Christmas

Christmas Eve day Tanner, Natalie and Austin went to the strip in Pittsburgh while the rest of us went and watched The Grinch with friends. That night we had our Shepherds Night. The Hickmans came over and we had our traditional Greek food. The kids were so excited to come up with costumes. Chet decided his stick horse made the perfect shepherd's crook. Natalie was a great Angel and Mary (while the shepherds went on their journey to find the baby Jesus she had a quick costume change). After that the kids reenacted the Christmas story several times so everyone could be who they wanted to be. Chet even tried out Mary, I think he really wanted to ride on our donkey/blow up reindeer. 

 Christmas morning started way earlier than the adults wanted and much later than Chet would have liked. He woke me up at 2 am asking if it was time...and so it begins. 

 Mariah has loved her sewing/embroidery kit

One day at Aldi's Chet saw these slippers and he really wanted them. Knowing that they would be a good gift I pretended like I wouldn't be getting them. Chet was so disappointed and brought them up all throughout the month. So he was pretty excited when he opened that gift.

Austin had to get cool slippers too.

All of December Chet was saying he wanted an Electric Train for Christmas. I think he was inspired by President Monson's Christmas story. Mariah drew his name for a gift and found a little electric train at 5 Below. It was so cute to see how excited she and Chet were about that gift. 

A little Christmas Day gingerbread cookie decorating with Aunt Nattie

These kids are just a joy and it has been so fun to see the joy that they have felt this month. 

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