Sunday, January 6, 2019

December Boy

I was looking at his Birthday post from last year and it is so shocking and heartbreaking and just amazing how much Austin has changed this year. 

The other day I asked him quite indignantly, "Who said you could grow up?" While pointing to himself he replied, "Um, myself said it." 

After this birthday I have officially decided to celebrate his 4th birthday at the beginning of December. Although it was pretty adorable hearing him all month, "After Kissmass it's my Birday."

 First and only real smile I got the whole day. 

He was pretty excited about his cool car track, blanket and motorcycles that he opened that morning. Grammie and Papa Ralph also got him a belt with his name on it just like Chet's. 

That morning we went to the Jump Park with some friends. And Austin got nice and worn out and took a nap when we got home (that was his little gift to me). 

 Austin loves Beakah (Beaker) from the Muppets and Cookie Monster. I felt like a Beaker cake might be a bigger challenge than I was willing to take on, so I did Cookie Monster. Seriously, if you want the easiest cake ever, do Cookie Monster. We were so sugared out by this point I bought a cookie at Subway so I wouldn't have to make a batch for the cake. 

We had the Daughertys over that night and thanks to Ally we had two different kinds of Mac and Cheese (Austin's request for dinner). 

A couple days later Austin got another gift from Grammie because "they were on sale and I just had to." Austin was thrilled and so excited to wear them to church the next day. 

Austin is such a delightful little boy. He has the cutest way of talking. Any word that ends in a vowel often gets drawn out and he uses his hands a lot to get a point across.

He is becoming better and better with Eliza. It makes him so happy when he can make her laugh. 

 Austin loves to dress up and play pretend with his brother and sister. We have a lot of debate on who can be married to Mariah...I often put a ban on all marriages just to give myself a little peace and quiet. He and Chet are pretty competitive with each other too. There are many times where I have said to Chet, "you are debating with a two year old!" Which all mothers know is a losing battle. There's lots of wrestling, racing and screaming. Wild boys make a tired mom. He wants to do everything Chet does and if Chet says something that he thinks is funny odds are that he'll be saying the same thing in the next thirty seconds. Lots of potty humor... 

Mariah is so good with Austin. He sometimes doesn't like her helping him with things but she has gotten really good at tricking him into letting her. Doesn't want her help getting dressed..."Come on puppy, time to put your new fur on." She's a genius. 

The other day at the zoo Austin found the money drop thing (does anyone know what I'm talking about?) He really wanted to pick the lock. He came over and asked for my keys and tried to get it open for at least five minutes. It was pretty funny.
 Austin loves his overalls and likes to tell us that he's a farmer when he wears them. He went through a phase where whenever he was pretending he wanted his name to be Tommie. He even told us that he was going to change his name to that when he grew up. 
He is really good at getting messy and making messes, especially when he is "helping" me. Whenever I make a salad he wants to help put all the ingredients in the bowl. Then he likes to mash it up really good with the salad tongs. There's nothing better than mushy salad.

He hasn't been napping as often and we all pay for it. And I really miss the great snuggles I get from him right after his naps. But on good days I can still get him to sleep. 

A few months ago I took the plunge on potty training. After only a few accidents he had it all figured out, even waking up dry in the morning. It really helps when you promise the two older siblings chocolate chips too when the two year old goes in the potty. Mariah spent a lot of time reading to her brothers in the bathroom. She even got peed on once and handled it very well. It's nice to only have one in diapers again. 

And Austin is now old enough to do a Birthday interview! 

Mom: What is your favorite color?
Austin: Byue (Blue, basically his favorite color is usually whatever Chet's favorite color is at the moment, makes mealtimes a little stressful at times. I'm so close to buying all the same color plates, cups and bowls for my own sanity.)

Mom: What is your favorite food?
Austin: Mac and Cheese (He likes pretty much anything, but isn't a huge meat eater.) 

Mom: What is your favorite animal?
Austin: Horses 

Mom: What is your favorite book?
Austin: Harry Potter

Mom: What is your favorite movie?
Austin: Harry Potter (Tanner read the kids the first Harry Potter and then they watched the movie. The other night Austin came out from his bedroom and asked, "Did Snape want to kill Harry Potter?". He was totally stalling bedtime.)

Mom: What is your favorite song?
Austin: I Am a Child of God

Mom: What is your favorite dessert?
Austin: Popcorn (He always hears the popcorn maker at night when he's supposed to be in bed)

Mom: What do you like to do for fun?
Austin: Ummm, pway(play). After more prompting from me he said play Davey Crockett. (Austin and Chet play like typical boys: lots of death, carnage, wrestling, yelling, potty's aging me.)

Mom: What is your favorite thing to do with Mom?
Austin: Do dishes (any excuse to play in the water.)

Mom: What is your favorite thing to do with Dad?
Austin: Play games

Mom: What is your favorite thing to do with Mariah?
Austin: Play animals

Mom: What is your favorite thing to do with Chet?
Austin: Play Monkeys (not my favorite, those monkey shrieks...)

Mom: Who is your best friend?
Austin: Charlie (Our good friends' little boy who is Chet's age. Charlie's little sister Alice and Austin fight nonstop, like an old married couple)

Mom: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Austin: A Doctor and a Peaceman (Policeman) and a Jet Fire (Flier) 

Here's to another year of this boy learning and growing, because try as I might, he refuses to stop. 

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