Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Birthday Birthday!

It's been two months now but I am still going to do a post on Chet's Birthday Celebrations. Because Tanner was leaving before Chet's actual Birthday we got to have several days of celebrating our big boy. And I think he was ok with that. He would sing Happy Birthday to himself all throughout the day. I have a feeling Mariah got tired of it after a while. She began telling him, "No Chet! It isn't your Birthday anymore.". She doesn't like the attention on anyone else bless her heart.

Our good friends Marshall, Lisa and their two kiddos Max and Jane came down for our first party. Chet opened his presents: some dress up hats and a blow up reindeer bouncy toy.
And of course, I made a chocolate cake. I birthed the boy so I figure I get a say in something. Especially when he doesn't have much of an opinion yet.
Balloons, always the favorite present. 

I can't recommend this toy enough. Mariah and Chet have loved it. Chet called it his "Happy Durday (Birthday)" for the first month of getting it. They love to bounce on it, wrestle it and discipline it. Cutest thing, when Chet gets "bucked off" he puts his face right in the reindeer's face and says, "no no!".

 The morning of his actual Birthday.

 Chet and Mariah decided they wanted the balloons tied around their waists as they ran through the house. I felt bad that Chet didn't have any presents to open on his actual Birthday until I remembered my parents sent a gift. Mariah had a really hard time letting Chet look at his Birthday book before she got to. I think thats when she started getting tired of all the focus on Chet.

Later that day I met up with Lisa and Marshall at the Hill Airforce Museum. They were opening up a bunch of planes that day for people to go in and see. Not a bad way for a two-year-old boy to spend his Birthday. 

And one of the best parts about all the Birthday celebrating? Chocolate cake for days...I was in heaven. I don't think Mariah and Chet minded too much either. 

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