Wednesday, November 18, 2015

While Dad's Away...

Going without Tanner for two months was real rough, we are pretty attached to that man, but thanks to wonderful family and friends we survived. And now for a serious photo dump.

My little brother Tyler got home from his mission a week after Tanner left. All of my siblings were together for several days and it was wonderful. Mariah and Chet loved playing with their cousins.

 Making moon sand with Aunt Tiffie

 Bonnie got really sick a few weeks after this picture was taken and died. We sure are going to miss that sweet sweet Bonnie Belle. 
 Tea party in the backyard. Grandma decided it would be a good idea to put a sugar bowl out so the kids could decide how much sugar to put in their tea, thats what Chet is scooping in this picture. Needless to say that bowl was empty by the end of the party. 
 We celebrated Brittany's birthday. Trey was very helpful in blowing out the candle. 
 Chet was in heaven, but he was bummed that he didn't have his cowboy hat for the ride. 
 A week or so after this my Uncle Paul and cousin Ammon were getting ready to ride and they gave Mariah and Chet rides on their horses. Chet began talking about his cowboy hat so my Uncle Paul took his off and let Chet wear it. That night Mariah thanked Heavenly Father for Uncle Paul in her prayers. Goes to show that its the little things in life that really impact a child. 
 Helping Grandma bake bread. That girl loves a little fiercely as of late. 
 Checking out the Catfish at Scheels. It really liked Mariah. 
 On the drive home from the temple my mom decided to give Mariah and Chet Hot Fudge Sundaes. There was a mess, but thats what Grandmas are for I suppose. 
 After finger painting with pudding. 

 I took some selfies to send to Dad one day. I never include myself in the picture but I'm glad I did this time. I cherish the pictures I have of my mom and I together and I hope my kids will too. 
 Watching Grandpa build a fire. Two things: Mariah's hair is amazing, and she loves to stick her hands down her pants. Not to scratch...just to hang out. Maybe she doesn't know where else to put them? 
 My cousin Ammon sat at the little kids table one night with Mariah and Chet and they were in Heaven with the attention. 
 There were lots and lots of four wheeler rides. This was on one with Auntie Em. One night after a dinner up the canyon Mariah decided she wanted to ride down the canyon with Grandpa. Even though it was dark and cold. So we bundled her up and off they went. 

 Kite flying
 My mom used to make these hollyhock dolls with us when we were little. It's fun to share the same tradition with your own children. 
And more kite flying. 
Playing at the park

Followed up by an ice cream cone. My mom just had to buy cones for the kids sitting behind us when she saw how excited they were about our cones. She's awesome like that. 

One night my dad was teasing Mariah and asked her is she wanted to go sleep in the Semi that night. Mariah decided that would be a great idea. We all tried to tell her how it would be dark and she would be all alone all night but she insisted that she would be just fine. "I won't be scared mom. It's fine." I knew in reality she wouldn't be just fine though so luckily Grandpa was able to make a compromise. Instead of sleeping in the truck she and Chet could go with him when he picked up a load the next day. Mariah was so excited to pack a lunch and ride in the big truck. Grandma went along too so that made me feel better. And now Grandpa has learned that you can't use empty threats with Mariah because she just might take you up on them. 

One of Mariah's favorite past times lately has been looking for gophers whenever she finds a hole. 
We went back to Logan for a couple weeks so I could go to a doctor's appointment. Marshall and Lisa watched Mariah and Chet so I could go to some wedding receptions one night. They sent me this picture:

 On one of our many walks. Chet was so cute holding his hands like that. 
 Mariah loves our neighbors' cats and oddly enough they seem to like her too. At least they don't run away. She carried this cat like that for quite a distance. 
Another kitten tried to adopt us. I was actually tempted to keep this one. It was so uncatlike. And you could tell it really loved Mariah. 
 Mariah and Chet made my bed for me one morning. I really wanted to fix it but I knew that would just break their little hearts. They were so pleased with themselves. 

 We went to the pumpkin walk again and our favorite thing was the free cookies. 

 One Sunday night on the phone Tanner casually told me that he thought I should use Elder Cook's talk for Family Home Evening. I thought it was a great idea and understood better why when we got these flowers in the mail. Mariah and Chet were so excited about the flowers from daddy. 

My sister had her baby as well so we got to see sweet baby Seth and spend more time with Grandma. 

After Halloween we headed back out to the ranch. 

 Lipstick with Auntie Em. Mariah felt so posh. Em gets a little stuck on songs and while we were out there it was Hello by Adele. And now Mariah requests that song. At least she has good taste. 
 It snowed! And the first thing we did that morning was go out and build a snowman. 
Yes, I know you all are jealous of my snowman building skills. Mariah was adamant that we use raisins for the eyes and smile and a carrot for the nose. And Chet insisted on sticking the stick on top of his head. Whatever makes them happy. 

I am so grateful that we have been living close to family these last couple of years. It has been such a blessing for our family. 

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