Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Miss Mariah

Now that I have documented so many things that make Chet precious to us I knew I needed to do a Mariah post. She is 3.5 years old after all and because that is a huge milestone we must recognize it...ok ok, I just really like talking about my children.

Mariah is very big into role play. One day in a matter of an hour she was Dr. Labrum (her pediatrician), Grandma Crossley, a Grumpy pirate (her own label, it wasn't my favorite), a baby, Grandpa, mom, Nellie (her imaginary friend, she comes to play a lot) and Elise (her cousin). She demands that we refer to her by whatever role she is playing and doesn't have much patience with us if we get the name/title wrong. I once asked her for a kiss and in a quite patronizing way she said, "I'm not for kissing, I'm a policeman.".
She has started to assign roles to Chet who surprisingly plays his parts well, if only for a few minutes. The other day she was a fairy and Chet was Superman. The fairy declared that a monster was destroying her castle and there was a baby that needed to be saved. Superman swooped in, with sound effects and all, saved the baby and began to destroy the monster. The fairy was appalled by his methods though: "Superman! Don't kill the monster with the baby! Use your sword!". I looked into the room to see Chet swinging the baby by its feet and slamming its head down on the floor where I assume the remains of the monster lay. He gets the job done, some just may not be ok with his methods.

We had a mouse and vole fall into our window well a few months ago and Mariah and Chet loved to watch them run in and out of the leaves. One day Mariah and I were watching when she said, "Shhh mom be quite!". Immediately following the chastisement she put her little arm around my neck shoved her face right into mine and whispered, "Will you be my best friend?". How can I not be that girls best friend?

When my mom and sister were here: "The other day a bird pooped on our deck and I said, 'oh my word that's adorable!'". She likes to use big words even if she doesn't know what they mean. She has started to preface some sentences with "Of course..." whether it works in the sentence or not.

Me: Go play with dad.
Mariah: No, he'll just have to do it with a Gentile. (no idea where this came from and when I was reading my list of the things she says I even wondered if it was an autocorrect. But I have never known my phone to use that word so I'm pretty sure that must be what she said, that girl never ceases to amaze me.)

One day while pretending to be a cat and singing a song: "The kitty is singing about the Messiah".

"Sometimes girls want to be alone like cats do." This must have been after Chet had been bugging her. She and her brother are a little too much in your face for most cats so she has been told this quite often.

Mariah now says all her prayers without help. They are prayers full of gratitude if not a little random. She often prays for whatever she sees as she is praying (we are still working on closing our eyes). One day she thanked Heavenly Father for my owie. I guess we can learn and grow from our pain...

I was complaining to Tanner about  a headache and he was trying to prescribe remedies, more water, Tylenol, etc. I kept saying that I didn't think any of that would help. Mariah was being so kind and came to me and said, "Would a hug help?".

Tanner was getting Mariah and Chet a drink and Mariah frantically exclaimed, "I want the blue lid!" To which Tanner said, "It doesn't matter, who cares?". Mariah looked right up at him and while pointing to herself said, "I do". Tanner doesn't often get put in his place...

One day after one too many accidents, in frustration, I asked Mariah what I should do with her. In tears she said, "Just love me mom!". Out of the mouth of babes...

One night after a long day Mariah was disgusted with me because I wouldn't sing the "other temple song". I kept telling her that the only one I knew was "I Love to See the Temple" and that I didn't know any other one about temples. She then said in tears, "Mom, if you don't know then you just need to change your life."

Mariah is really excited about the baby. It's going to be the best Christmas gift ever! Before our ultrasound if anyone asked her what she thought we were having she almost always said a girl. I was starting to get a little nervous because I think she thought that we were asking her what she wanted, and that if that didn't happen she would think we had ignored her request. At the doctor's office, when the doctor asked her what she thought the baby was she said, boy. So Mariah got what she wanted...phew.

One of my besties takes pictures and got some great pictures of Mariah. I feel like they capture her personality so well.
 Mariah loves her Grandmas so so much. She even has adopted quite a few grandmas. 

And this is her, I am so done with pictures, face. 

Oh Mariah, where would we be without your wisdom and insight? I wish I could remember each and every thing she says but for now these lists are going to have to do. We love this sassy-pants girl. 

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