Wednesday, February 25, 2015

She Says the Darndest Things

The more Mariah learns to say, the more excited I get. I just can't wait to see what will come out of her cute little mouth next. Here's a few wing-dingers that I do not want to forget.

There is a field across the road from our house. A couple weeks ago we were playing out there on one of the amazing February days we were having. I got distracted with Chet and by the time I saw Mariah she was quite a ways away.

When I told her to come back she yelled that she was "going to the mountains" because they were "cozy". After trying to tell her that they were too far away she said, "It would not take too long, it isn't dangerous". That girl was convinced that we were going to the mountain. Finally I was able to convince her to compromise and we went to that nearest knoll instead. I can't say that I blame her. Those mountains really are beautiful and they beckon to me from time to time as well. I'll just have to keep my eye on her. 

While on a walk she found some sticks. Because she is a micro-manager Chet and I had to have sticks as well. When she handed me mine she asked, "Do you want to be a contental (continental) soldier like me? Here, throw it over your shoulder". I can't believe I get to hang out with this character every day. 

Mariah loves to wear her princess dresses. She was especially getting into her role on one particular day. She was dancing around the room and then announced, "The Princess is going to sit down". After sitting for a few seconds she then said, "Now I will stand up and sing a beautiful song". And then treated Chet and I to a little performance with original lyrics and vibrato to beat. The girl has talent. 

Dinnertime is a struggle with Mariah. She can be quite the picky eater. The other night as she was sitting down to eat she said with great enthusiasm, "It would be amazing if I took a bite!" I had to agree with her. That night after a lot of tears and meltdowns over dinner, while Tanner was helping her with her prayers she said, "Thank you for the chair where I didn't eat my food." I am not making that up. I guess I should be happy that she is striving to find things to be grateful for. 

Tonight at dinner Mariah asked where the chicken came from. This is a common topic of conversation at dinner time. But Tanner decided to go a bit deeper tonight. He asked, "Mariah where did you come from?" Without hesitation she said, "A cow." Well that just made Tanner's night. I gave him a "don't you even say it look" and he made no comparison between me and a cow. He then said, "Didn't you come from Heaven?" to which Mariah said, "No, I came from a cow. Chet came from Heaven." And there you have it...

Looking at these two I have no doubt where they came from. Straight from Heaven and still glowing. 

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