Sunday, August 5, 2012

Quarter Century

Yesterday was my birthday. My 25th birthday to be exact. Yikes...
Besides the getting older part it was a great day. Mariah decided she wanted to be the first to wish me a happy birthday so she woke up at around 3 in the morning. Luckily we didn't "celebrate" for too long and I was able to go back to bed for a little while. 
When Tanner asked me what I wanted for my birthday I said all the ice cream I could eat. And then I also requested a shelf made out of a pallet. He bought me my own personal quart of chocolate fudge brownie ice cream and made me a shelf...he's a keeper. Maybe some day I'll put up a picture of the shelf, just too lazy to go take a picture right now. 
We went to the Farmers market here with our new good friends Marshall and Lisa; they are wonderful. It was raining with a vengeance. Which made all the farmers very happy and us very wet. But we had fun. I just thought you might like to see how Mariah's hair handles the humidity. Poor thing, she isn't a fan of pictures, just like her daddy. 
Later that day we went to the Battle of Kirksville reenactment. Very enlightening. 
I don't know what was with the preacher guy, but boy was he gutsy. Prancing around right in the line of fire. Apparently my favorite pose with Tanner is the hugging pose...hmm. 
The Yankees were able to defeat the Johnny Rebs, much to the disappointment of most of the locals. They're still a little bitter about the whole thing. Which made it all the more fun! Mariah slept through all the cannon shots and rifle fire and other chaos. She'll learn her history eventually. 
We ended the day with a Birthday party thrown by our other new friends Talon and Nicole. Because of the weather they decided to have it at Morgan and Jeremy's spacious home (yep, more new friends, are you starting to see a trend here?). It was great to spend time with a lot of new friends. 
I had a wonderful birthday! You can't go wrong with fresh produce, johnny rebs, and chocolate. 


  1. " might like to see how Mariah's hair handles the humidity." Love it!! She shares a common bond with her Auntie in that department. :)

  2. thanks for celebrating with us! YEAH FOR BIRTHDAYS! And I can't wait to see your new shelf!!!!!
