Sunday, July 10, 2016

Last Long Summer

We just finished up the last long summer that we will get to have for a very long time and so we tried to fill it with as much fun and family as we could. 

My parents met me halfway from their house and Mendon to pick up Mariah and Chet. They kept the older two while we went to graduation, moved our stuff to Pittsburgh and looked for houses in Morgantown. They were away from me for two weeks. Which is way too long for me. But it made everything so much easier and I'm so grateful for my parents for keeping them. And my brother and sister for putting up with them. 

My mom kept them so busy they didn't even have time to miss us: 

Chet's throwing technique...I don't even know. 
Picnic at the "Crick" 
Cheering on Auntie Em. 

Pretty sure my kids lived on hot dogs, mac and cheese, and sugar. Grandma and Grandpa just can't say no :) 

While they had a blast at the ranch Tanner and I finished packing up the house and headed for Missouri. Tanner's sister Heather rode with him in the moving truck while I flew to Kansas City with Austin. We then headed to Kirksville for graduation. 
Tanner had to crouch pretty low to be hooded (?if thats what you call it)

Love those people!

So grateful for all these men and the support they were to Tanner
And I am so grateful to these women and the support they were to me. 
Some people talk about how miserable medical school is and it definitely wasn't just a walk in the park. But we had so many wonderful experiences and made so many great friends. I loved the journey. 

We then spent a week looking for houses and found nothing. I was pretty frustrated but figured we'd just find something long distance (which we did thanks to Tanner's parents looking at houses for us). 
It was wonderful to be back with Mariah and Chet. Mariah was a little unhappy with me. She kept scowling at me and telling me that I was gone for a looong time. Chet was just happy to snuggle me.

Tanner got to hike Havasupai with his brothers and they had a great time. 

While they were doing that my sister-in-law Lisa came out to the ranch with her kids. We stayed busy all week riding horses, driving the four wheeler and even spent a night up at the cabin. Lisa is amazing and handled her seven kids all week with such patience. She is a great example to me. 
I got to ride a mule! 
Lisa got to drive a tractor.
Benson is 7 months older than Austin...
Aunt Kelly had us over one day and the kids had a blast. 
The day Tanner got back from his hike my little sister Emily graduated and then the next day we headed to Tahoe for a family reunion. It was such a wonderful time. 

We spent two days at the beach: 

Bocci ball time
These boys never left the side of the water.

We spent one day hiking and all the kids were such troopers. 

We also got all prettied up and took family photos. 

We now know that the way to get my dad to do a real smile is to have a grandchild be the one taking the picture. 
The great hair obviously comes from my mother.

Tyler and Tanner...
Grandma and Grandpa stayed at the house one night so we could go mini golfing too. 

I think I gained 10 pounds from that week but it was totally worth it. I just love that family of mine. 

After the reunion we went back to my parents house for the fishing derby that started the night we got home. Mariah caught her first fish!

After all the craziness we relaxed for a few days and then we went to the Reno Rodeo. 
Chet had a major meltdown as we were looking for parking. Their fake smiles crack me up. 

And then we bought cotton candy...

But Mariah hadn't had enough sugar...

Mariah got to spend some time with Grandma and Grandpa on a Sunday afternoon. 

This just melts my heart. 
My mom watched the kids one day and Tanner and I got to go on a four wheeler ride up the canyon. I love where I grew up; it really is the best place for children. 

We then left the ranch with heavy hearts and headed to Utah for a Lockhart family reunion. We had a fun afternoon at a park, went on another hike and took more pictures. It was great to meet some of Tanner's relatives and spend time with all of his family. The Lockharts know how to have a good time. 

The kids were amazing on this hike. They both hiked the whole way up on their own and Chet only had to be carried a little on the way down. 

These women are so amazing and teach me so much.  

All these boys were born in a years time. Now we all have to live by each other and we'll have a basketball team. 

And here's a coed basketball team. I promise we don't call each other and plan when to have our babies. 
The one thing that made leaving Grandma Young a little easier-Grandma Crossley
The baby holding crew. 
We had such a great break but by the end we were ready to sleep for ten years. Too bad we then had to drive across the country and unpack...On to Residency and West Virginia!

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