Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

 We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. It was so great to have Tanner back. I tell Tanner that almost daily. If you want to appreciate your husband more have him leave for a few does wonders. For the first week after he was back Mariah would panic a little every morning when he would leave. "Is he coming back? Why is he leaving?" I think she has realized that he is going to be here for a while. He is such a great help and so fun to have around.
At the beginning of November we made a Thankful tree. As you can see by the leaf placement, we let Mariah and Chet decide where to put their leaves. Some of my favorites were Bugs (Mariah), and Chicken (Chet). They also wanted to put Turkey down almost every time but I tried to get them to come up with some other things.

We had all but one of Tanner's siblings and their families at our house for Thanksgiving. It was so much fun! It snowed that weekend so there was lots of playing outside. We had so much fun visiting, playing games, singing at the piano and eating. And I didn't take pictures...

I was able to take Mariah to see the Nutcracker here in Logan. Her favorite part was when the clowns came out of the lady's dress. She did great the whole time. The very end she started to get a little grumpy because she was exhausted from the last couple days playing non-stop with all of her cousins.
 So happy! One second later...
Sleep is really important for a three-year old. Obviously she just couldn't handle the stress of a picture. 

That Sunday my Brother in Law gave our new nephew a name and a blessing. I'm so thankful that we live close enough to be able to go to things like that.
 Mariah and Chet love Baby Seth. They have been really good with him too which makes me happy. It's all good practice for when their brother arrives. And I love my dad's bear paw hands. Those hands work hard. 
This makes it look like that is my baby. But my man is still crammed up in my belly. I just really love my mom; you can't get better than her! And I love Seth's fist in the air. 

 Mariah and Chet loved setting up the Christmas tree. As Tanner did the lights Chet said over and over, "Yew (you're) doing gate (great), Dad!". They loved hanging up the few ornaments that we have. Our tree is a little bare but we love it anyway. First thing in the morning they race to plug the lights in. Christmas trees are so magical.
We've been listening to Christmas music and Chet says, "This is my favyet (favorite)!" to almost every song. He does love singing Jingle Bells although he only sings the phrase "Jingle Bells" over and over. I try to be patient with it because his enthusiasm is so adorable.
They love to watch all the different Christmas videos that are on And I do too. It brings such a great Spirit to the season.
 Britt and Mike got to go to a military ball and I thought they looked so dapper that I insisted on taking a picture. I put them in front of the tree thinking that would make a nice backdrop. Too bad the tree is so's the thought that counts right?
And we got to watch Seth! He was asleep for the first hour and Mariah sat right by his car seat anxiously waiting for him to wake up. Chet kept bringing him toys and shoving them in his face. I wonder if Seth was just pretending to be asleep for protection. I wouldn't blame him. Mariah was so excited to get to feed him a bottle and did a great job. 

We went and saw the lights at Temple Square as well. We got there right when the lights turned on so it wasn't too busy. It was so beautiful.

 We forgot a stroller but Chet was more than happy to ride on Dad's shoulders.
We then went to the Grand America Hotel to see their window displays and gingerbread house. At the end the kids were given a cookie. When Chet talks to strangers he often mumbles. He thanked the man under his breath and after telling him to say it louder, he shouted in an obnoxious voice, "Taaaank Yoooouuuu!!". It made us all laugh.

We have loved this Christmas season. Now to get this baby boy here so he can enjoy it with us...

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