Wednesday, February 25, 2015

She Says the Darndest Things

The more Mariah learns to say, the more excited I get. I just can't wait to see what will come out of her cute little mouth next. Here's a few wing-dingers that I do not want to forget.

There is a field across the road from our house. A couple weeks ago we were playing out there on one of the amazing February days we were having. I got distracted with Chet and by the time I saw Mariah she was quite a ways away.

When I told her to come back she yelled that she was "going to the mountains" because they were "cozy". After trying to tell her that they were too far away she said, "It would not take too long, it isn't dangerous". That girl was convinced that we were going to the mountain. Finally I was able to convince her to compromise and we went to that nearest knoll instead. I can't say that I blame her. Those mountains really are beautiful and they beckon to me from time to time as well. I'll just have to keep my eye on her. 

While on a walk she found some sticks. Because she is a micro-manager Chet and I had to have sticks as well. When she handed me mine she asked, "Do you want to be a contental (continental) soldier like me? Here, throw it over your shoulder". I can't believe I get to hang out with this character every day. 

Mariah loves to wear her princess dresses. She was especially getting into her role on one particular day. She was dancing around the room and then announced, "The Princess is going to sit down". After sitting for a few seconds she then said, "Now I will stand up and sing a beautiful song". And then treated Chet and I to a little performance with original lyrics and vibrato to beat. The girl has talent. 

Dinnertime is a struggle with Mariah. She can be quite the picky eater. The other night as she was sitting down to eat she said with great enthusiasm, "It would be amazing if I took a bite!" I had to agree with her. That night after a lot of tears and meltdowns over dinner, while Tanner was helping her with her prayers she said, "Thank you for the chair where I didn't eat my food." I am not making that up. I guess I should be happy that she is striving to find things to be grateful for. 

Tonight at dinner Mariah asked where the chicken came from. This is a common topic of conversation at dinner time. But Tanner decided to go a bit deeper tonight. He asked, "Mariah where did you come from?" Without hesitation she said, "A cow." Well that just made Tanner's night. I gave him a "don't you even say it look" and he made no comparison between me and a cow. He then said, "Didn't you come from Heaven?" to which Mariah said, "No, I came from a cow. Chet came from Heaven." And there you have it...

Looking at these two I have no doubt where they came from. Straight from Heaven and still glowing. 

Big Girl Undidies

I have had two children in diapers for over 16 months. Not because I enjoy spending exorbitant amounts of money on diapers or wipes or because I love wiping poopy little bottoms. The truth is that I have been dreading potty training. I put it off before leaving Kirksville because I didn't want to take potty breaks every hour on our cross country drive. And then we decided to go to Pittsburgh for an out-rotation so I didn't want the same thing on our next two cross country trips. And then we got to our new house and were off and on sick for a month. Soooo after that unnecessarily long explanation, we are now potty training.

And surprisingly, it isn't going too bad. I have learned that there are some perks to waiting until they are almost three. Mariah was super excited to start wearing "big girl undidies". She even asked Tanner if he were wearing big girl undidies. I think she felt a little sorry for him when he said no. I must admit, I am a little jealous of her polka-dot and heart panties.

I have had my fair share of nasty underwear, but Mariah is a people-pleaser, so I think it bugs her almost as much as it bugs me when she has an accident. One day after her nap I was really excited that her diaper was dry and she said "It's dry like a bone." with the most serious expression on her face. Not sure where she picked up that phrase but it made me laugh really hard. Another time she asked me, "Can you specially put me on the potty so I can go tinkle tinkle?". I guess sometimes I don't make it special enough? When she struggles going she will sometimes say, "think potty, think potty." The nursery at our church has a mini-toilet and sink and when we went in there the first time Mariah was ecstatic. "It's my size! Look! A teeny-tiny toilet! It's just my hype (height)!" Her enthusiasm is the best.

I think Chet has loved potty training most of all. When Mariah goes in the toilet she gets chocolate chips. Now whenever she goes, Chet runs to the pantry saying "Caca! Caca! (chocolate)". I usually reward myself as well.

This photo really doesn't have much to do with the post (besides the fact that she is indeed wearing undidies here) but I just can't get over it. For one thing, Chet is just killing me; how can he be that cute? And Mariah just cracks me up. You can't beat the creativity of a toddler. 

Sunday, February 8, 2015


Since moving to our new house we have had a lot of visitors...and I am loving it!

Chad was our very first guest. He flew up to Utah for Grandma Kay's 90th Birthday Bash. I had been telling Mariah all day that Uncle Chad was coming. When he walked in the door she said, "Uncle Chad! I love you!". It was too cute. Mariah got some good quality time with him and he was nice enough to read her a lot of books.

A couple days later Steve and Tiesha and their family stayed with us on their way back up to Boise after the Birthday Party. Mariah had so much fun playing with her cousins. There was a lot of giggles, books read, tea parties, pretend meal times and dress up time. I had a great time talking with Steve and Tiesha and even got some help on my Family History.

Having a little lunch. Elizabeth was really good at handing out all the food. And Mary and Mariah were so patient. I was impressed. In fact, these girls got along so well the whole time. I love happy cousins. The only problem we had was Chet being a little too "friendly" with Naomi. Lets just say his love taps were a little much for that dainty little miss.

Tiffany decided to come and spend a week here as well. My mom and Katie decided to come up too. It was such a wonderful party!

We decided we were going to make a bunch of freezer meals to help make all of our lives easier. Initially we planned on making 40 meals each and when we went grocery shopping I about had a panic attack. We were getting enough groceries for 200 meals. It was a lot of food. There was a moment while looking at three shopping carts loaded to the top, one just for meat, that I seriously considered just walking away and pretending that we never thought of it. But mom and Brittany were committed so I reluctantly followed through. The meal prep wasn't too bad because we were able to do our favorite thing while doing it, talk and talk and talk. We didn't quite make it to 40 meals...not even close but the meals we did will be super helpful.

Mariah loved to help out with baby Brigs, maybe a little too much. She was pretty aggressive with her binkie placement. Poor Brigs gagged quite a bit. But it's good practice for the future younger siblings that she can torture. Chet was pretty cute with the baby too. He would get a big smile, point and say, "Beeee (baby)" in his softest sweetest voice. And then he would try to poke his eye out. We're still working on soft around here. Thanks Brigs/Aunt Tiffie for your patience.

Mariah and Chet had a lot of fun palling around with Trey. They all got along so well. Chet was all banged up by the end of the week trying to keep up with the big kids. He wanted to do everything they did.

Mariah also loved watching her beautiful Aunt Katie get ready. When she saw Katie's red lips she said, "I want that on my lips!" Luckily I was able to talk her down to a nice, soft pink shade. I'm just not ready for the bright red lips on my two year old.

Helping Grandma with bread. 
Brigs and his little wonky legs. He didn't seem to mind too much. 
Bathtime is the best time.  
Sweet Baby Brigs is the boss for sure. 

Grandma took us out to dinner one night. I had already fed Chet but he still ate enough to feed a small army. I don't know why it always surprises me how much he can eat. And as you can tell by her face, Mariah loved the bright pink sauce probably a little too much. 

It's crazy the change a child makes in a year. No wonder moms are so exhausted. 

We all fell in love with this little chubber chub. Look at that smile! 

We have loved all the guests and can't wait to see who will be next!