Tuesday, May 20, 2014

8 Months

Another month has flown by and Chet keeps growing and changing! Here are some blurbs on the little big-man of the house:

No ear infections! I may have just jinxed myself but he has gone quite a while without one. Happy happy days!

He is starting to get possessive of things. Mariah has now learned that she can't sneakily take toys from him without me noticing. He has quite the angry screech.

He loves to eat. And make big big messes. We gave him a mango pit to gnaw on yesterday; big, huge, stained clothes mistake. If anyone is eating in front of him that is the only thing he can focus on.

I finally feel like he is starting to get on a schedule during the day. He naps at 10 and at 1 and goes to bed around 7. He still falls asleep like a champ but wakes up 3-4 times in the night. That really needs to change because this momma needs some quality sleep.

He loves people and has the sweetest smile when anyone gives him attention. I especially love it when he smiles through his binkie.

He has started giving wet, slobbery open-mouthed kisses and each time he gives me one I fall in love with him just a little bit more.

Chet is still crazy about his sister, just not when she pushes him over. (Mariah thinks it is hilarious; me, not so much.) He gets back by getting a fist-full of her hair and giving it a good yank.

He isn't moving, at all. I've seen him roll over once on his own. And that was because he was on his stomach and he just can't stand that. So he is on track to walk at 3, no biggie.

He would be the perfect baby if I could carry him around everywhere I go. But he should have thought of that before he came into this world weighing 11 pounds. I just can't pack 20 pounds around all day. So he gets his heart broken a little whenever I put him down or walk away.

When daddy comes home he gets really excited. It's as if he is saying, "Thank heavens! Another man in the house. These girls have been driving me crazy!" And Tanner says, "I know son, I feel the same way." Those poor boys.


  1. Mabes wasn't interested in moving for a long time too. Well I guess he did like to roll every where but not crawl or walk.

  2. Haha! This was so funny! Sweet little (I mean, big) Chet! Is it wrong that it makes me a teensy bit happy that he's not a mover? Rubi needs some members to join her club :)
