Wednesday, April 23, 2014

My Sweet 7 Month Old

The months just keep flying by! Here's a little list all about our Chet boy: 

Just after turning six months his two bottom teeth popped out! The poor boy was dealing with a wicked diaper rash, ear infection and teething. I'm telling you when it rains it pours.

He's eating solid food two times a day. He still can't stand the cereal or fruit, but he is crazy about  vegetables. I've been able to sneak some cereal in by mixing it with his veggies. He gets really excited any time he sees someone eating; the boy is passionate about his food.

He is still jabbering up a storm. He has started saying "babababa". I don't know why but I always love when they start that. Sometimes when he is fussy it sounds a little like he is saying "Maaaamaaaa".

I'm still his favorite. He is pretty content with anyone holding him, but if he spots me then he gets all sorts of excited.

Still hasn't rolled over. He is so close but I guess he just isn't ready to take the plunge.

He LOVES his binkie. He can put it in his mouth for the most part. It makes going to bed so much easier. Now if only I could figure out a way to get him to stay asleep. Thats the real challenge.

He now weighs 20 pounds and is 28 1/4 inches long.

We just fall in love with this little man more and more each day! 

1 comment:

  1. That kid has had a rough start huh? Hopefully it means the rest of his life will be smooth sailing :) He sure is handsome!
