Saturday, February 15, 2014

Frozen Dinner

Mariah is a classic picky eater. She won't give anything new a chance and she has even started rejecting old favorites. Mealtimes are now a time of battle and the victor usually ends up with a bowl of yogurt or applesauce and a smug look on her face.

The other night I received divine inspiration. Like most girls from the age 0 to 99, Mariah is in love with the song Let it Go from Frozen. We were eating roast with potatoes and carrots. Mariah immediately turned up her nose and wouldn't even try it. But when I played this cover by Alex Boye she ate a whole bowl full, as long as I kept pushing repeat. At one point when I hadn't pushed replay, she looked up at me and sang with gusto, "let it go!". She was in tune and everything, it was pretty precious.

Tonight we had beans and rice. Mariah has never ever liked beans, but she ate a whole passel of them to the tribal tunes of Let it Go. Dinners may be a little bit more of a party now.


  1. Good idea mom! Whatever works! I love that version of the song. I bet her singing is so precious.

  2. Haha! When I read the title I thought it meant TV frozen deals and I thought, "huh, keepin' it classy, I guess." But of course I was wrong ;)

    Hope things are going well for your family!
