Thursday, February 20, 2014

5 Months

This last month has flown by! Having Grandma Young here for half of it probably helped. Chet keeps growing and changing.

  • He can now roll over to either side. 
  • Got a hair cut...looks so much better. 
  • Loves holding onto his toes (I love it too, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, when he does it that is...)
  • He has developed a wonderful belly laugh! 

  • Still is crazy about his sister, but if she starts playing too rough he lets her know with a shrill shriek. Or maybe thats how he lets me know...either way she stops. He also has learned that pulling her hair usually gets a pretty good reaction. 

  • He is sleeping better too! Still with the help of the swing, but I'll take it. 
  • He has been feeling so much better! Hopefully this third antibiotic will destroy all thoughts of any other ear infections. 
  • He is crazy about his Dad. When he comes home Chet's eyes follow him all around until Tanner picks him up. 

  • But I'm pretty sure I am his favorite. My being his total supply of food has nothing to do with it either. 
  • I went off milk and that seems to have helped his eczema, hopefully it will help him sleep even better at night. I hope that boy knows how much I love him to sacrifice ice cream, my most favorite food in the whole world. 
  • Really wants to sit up. Whenever I prop him up on something he uses his abs to lunge forward, usually landing on his head. He'll figure it out. 


  1. Maƫl had eczema. It's so sad on babies. I had to give up dairy too but I've been eating it again and the eczema hasn't come back. Yahoo! Chetster looks almost as big as Mariah! Such cute kiddos.

  2. Mabin looked at the photos with me and kept saying "I want the baby!". Apparently he wants a little brother now.

  3. That laugh is the best! I also love how he is casually slugging Mariah in the next picture. Sibling love! It's real!

  4. I just watched the video...that laugh is adorable.

  5. Adorable laugh. I'll have it in my head for a while and I'm perfectly ok with that. Baby laughs are so stinkin cute. He is adorable and so is Mariah. So fun to have siblings! Mariah looks old with her luscious locks too.
