Friday, May 31, 2024


Though May had its fair share of rainy days and some scattered tornado warnings, we were able to find more than enough sunshine to get a good start on our tans and build excitement for summer. 
We started out the month going for a ride on the Celebration Belle, a paddle boat on the Mississippi river. The cousins and Aunt Heather joined us and we had a lot of fun, when we weren't worrying about Porter or Vivi slipping through the alarmingly big gaps in the railing. 
The kids learned all about how riverboats worked and even got to volunteer for a demonstration. 
Pretty sure these four were little toddlers yesterday...can't explain how they are looking so big now. 
Talking with the Captain
After the ride on the river, we all went to Costco and traded off shopping and eating lunch there. Then we went our separate ways. 
Tanner has kept plugging along on the rock wall and the kids are loving it. 

Mariah, Chet, and Austin played in their spring piano recital and they all did such a great job. They have really applied themselves this past year and you could really tell in how they played. We are so proud of them and their willingness to work hard. 

We couldn't see the aurora borealis with the naked eye, but we were able to get some cool pictures on our phones. The world is so cool. It just testifies to me of a God who loves beauty and wants us to feel his love through that beauty. 

Tanner made me delicious shrimp tacos for mothers day and the kids made me some sweet cards. 
Eliza and Vivi love going to Mariah's violin lessons so they can feed the goats and pig and jump on their trampoline. 
Tanner, Chet and Austin got to go on a Father and Sons campout with the Stake and had a great time. On the way home they got to stop at President Chamberlain's house and he took them fishing on his amazing pond.
That night we went to a cute little Mexican restaurant by the lake that was so good. We haven't had good Mexican food for a long time so that was fun.  
While the boys were gone, Heather gave Vivi and Eliza gel nails that they waited approximately ten minutes to start peeling off. 
That night Heather took Mariah and Eliza down to Kirksville so they could watch Anni and Miri in their dance recital. They stayed the night and got to go to church with them the next day. 

I don't know if it was all the rain, but my peonies did so well this spring. I have loved all the beautiful blooms. 
Vivi and Eliza loved the bubbles at library storytime. Vivi ended up dumping them all down the front of her dress, but that didn't phase her one bit. 

We went down as a family to Brittany and Baydon's to spend the night and to see Chad and Kaisa really quick. We got up early the next morning and drove them back to their homeschool convention and then went to the Kansas City temple. 
We had such a wonderful time talking with Chad and Kaisa and then having three hours of conversation on the way back to Brittany and Baydon's.  On the way home we were some of the first on an accident and Tanner helped the man who had been hurt until the ambulance came. He said I did a very good job getting the first aid kit and giving him gloves, bandages, and gauze...I'm already planning to start working with him as soon as I get my nursing degree. Then we can be together! Tanner is just as excited as I am...he just has a harder time showing it. 
This was the first time I've been away from Asa for longer than a couple hours, and I think he handled it better than I did. I'm so grateful to Brittany and Heather keeping all the kids so we could spend some time together. 

We drove home that night and then the next morning the cousins came to our house so Brittany and Baydon could take a quick trip to NC. And we had a blast. Tanner and Heather set up our new trampoline and a sprinkler was immediately put underneath it. 
This was Porter the first tuckered out. 
Asa wasn't feeling well so I had to spend a lot of time with him trying to help him get to sleep. It was strangely quiet in the house and I was worried what I would come out to. But Tanner had put all the kids to work in the yard. He mulched all the flowerbeds and even planted a bunch of flowers with Heather. He was like the energizer bunny. 
Eliza wanted to do some of her birthday celebrations with the cousins. We made savory and sweet owls for lunch. 
And then that night we had Eliza's "pop party". There was pop, popcorn, otter pops, pop it fireworks, and bubble wrap to stomp on. Eliza has been planning this for almost a year and she was so excited to finally be able to do it! 

She wanted a S'mores cake and initially wanted to help make it, but then got excited about the trampoline and I was able to make the cake without a bunch of littles underfoot, which was a lot more peaceful. Although I still forgot to put the water in the cake, but it still tasted alright so I wasn't too sad about it. I did have to finish decorating with Asa on my hip because he was still feverish. 

Porter was so excited when he saw Asa's matching Jammies. He really didn't want to change into his church clothes and only would when I told him that Asa would be changing out of his jammies too. The kids were so good Sunday morning and we made it to church early...and they were little angels at church. 
Eliza and Jack made a picnic for Porter and Vivi in the garage on Monday while it poured rain outside. Vivi insisted on having her lantern. 
I got a migraine on Monday but was able to sleep it off while Heather and Tanner held down the fort. I'm so grateful it came on a day when I had help. We were sad to say goodbye to the cousins, but we didn't mind how quiet it felt after. 
And now that the neighbors are out of school there are big plans of fishing, hockey, pickleball, wiffleball, wresting on the tramp, pool time...we're here for it! 

I took Heather to the airport and did some shopping with the kids. We went into Chick Fil A and the kids were excited about their ice cream cones. 

Tanner made Eliza a pancake cake on her birthday morning and she was excited to open her gifts. Chet and Austin thought they were really funny and wrapped a banana and lime for her, but she didn't let it phase her, much to their disappointment. 

Our friends the Harris's came into town and we went to the pool with them. It was windy and cold so I was more than happy sitting on the side of the pool visiting with Katherine. 

It has been quite the month full of fun. 

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