Wednesday, May 1, 2024

9 Months

This boy...this boy! He is just the sweetest little man. His hair is getting too long to do the curly-Q on top of his head and he looks so much older without it. He probably should get a haircut, but I keep hoping that as it gets warmer it will curl more. We shall see. 

He loves to bite my arms lately so I have to be vigilante to keep him from leaving teeth marks on me. He even has bit his own arms. The boy is a piranha. 
He and Vivi have fun together...sometimes. Especially in the bath. Asa gets so excited when I bring him into the bathroom. He kicks so hard that I get soaked just sitting next to the bath. Vivi has learned that she always wants to be by his head while in the bath because of all the splashing. 

He has gotten really good at nodding his head yes and shaking his head no. And we're pretty sure he is starting to clap his hands. 

His siblings like to dress him up and he's usually a pretty good sport about it. 
He is so lucky to have big brothers who love him so much and would do about anything to make him happy. He's going to have so much fun with them as he gets older. 

He was really into his banana and steak bone this night. However, most days he still turns his nose up at food. We keep trying, we'll win him over eventually. Maybe he just needs more steak...

He loves to drop things from his high chair and watch them fall, or drop things while I'm holding him and see how many times I will pick them back up and hand them to him. It's a fun game. 

He was such a good sport when we went to the zoo. We barely heard a peep out of him. 

He has started scooting all around the house and even gets on his hands and knees every once in a while. His favorite thing to do is take books off the shelf and rip pages out. We probably should find a less destructive hobby. 

While his sleeping has improved so much, we had to move him into another room and then he got sick, which has meant some rough nights again, but he is starting to feel better and we're getting more sleep. 

Who needs sleep when you have this adorable baby that brings so much joy. We love our Asa Bo! But we also love sleep, Asa...just to make things clear. 

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