Friday, September 2, 2022

What a Month!

August was quite the month. It was a party all month long! We kicked it off with my birthday. My Grandma Young had a special cake that she would make for birthdays, celebrations, or just because. We fondly refer to it as her "service cake" because she was known to bring it to people in our small town frequently. I was always excited when I saw her special cake carrier at our house because I knew exactly what that meant. I have wanted to attempt to make it for quite some time and decided that my birthday would be the perfect opportunity. Her frosting recipe was extremely vague so after some help from my mom and aunts, I think I got pretty close, at least to my memory of it. It made me so happy to eat something that tasted like my childhood. It made me miss my dear Grandma so much but I couldn't have given myself a better birthday gift. 

The weekend after my birthday, Grandpa and Grandma Crossley came to watch the kids so Tanner and I could go on a date. 
We went to a delicious restaurant that had these amazing french toast croissants, pork tacos, and jalapeƱo biscuits with chorizo gravy. As you can see by my crazy eyes, I was very excited...and then sad when I realized I dumped half the caramel sauce off the plate for the picture. 
Clearly thrilled about the pictures...
Two Christmases ago, Tanner got me tickets to see My Fair Lady in Des Moines. And then the world shut down. After the date was moved several times, we finally got to go see it. Tanner was a trooper on his crutches and stressed out all the cute old ushers. 

I thought this advertisement was too perfect...Tanner wasn't amused. The play was so wonderful and it was all I could do to not belt out the songs the whole time. We got Valet parking for the first, and hopefully last, time. After the play we went to Fong's pizza which wasn't as good to us as it was almost four years ago when we flew out here to look for a house. But It was so fun to go on a long date together.

We were able to convince family to come to the best State Fair! We went on a Friday with Grammie, Papa Ralph, and the Barr family. Once we arrived, I slightly panicked when I realized everyone was looking to me for guidance. I've only been once before and that was two years ago and I am directionally challenged. Very quickly on everyone decided it would be best if Cameron led out and I was more than happy to let him. He was our fearless leader and did a great job finding all the places. 

 I wanted to get a picture of Vivi and Benson together but this was the best I could get. 

The kids learned all about farming and were able to cash in their "crops" at the store for ice cream. 
We got another farmer Mariah picture...this one doesn't make me giggle as much as the one we got a couple years ago...but it's going to be a tradition. 
Vivi finally fell asleep at the One Man Band...I guess he just lulled her to sleep with ACDC and Creedence Clearwater. I was on the phone with Tiffany trying to tell her where I was when I realized everyone seemed to be looking at me...thats when I realized the one man band was standing right in front of me asking how Vivi could be sleeping through all his racket. He's just lucky he didn't wake her up. It's all fun and games until the baby wakes up. 
Mariah, Jude, and Eliza had to go out and do some dancing. 

Not the best photo but we had to go to the reptile exhibit for Jude Dude. Eliza was not ok with the snake touching her so she leaned forward for the picture. Initially Jude was a little nervous and when I asked him about it later he said, I just wasn't sure if it was a dangerous snake that might eat me. I think that was a valid concern. 
Papa Ralph treated the kids to Root beer floats and after seeing the biggest bull and biggest boar, we moseyed on out. Eliza fell asleep minutes before we were getting on the bus.
I love this picture of everyone staring at her. Sleeping beauty...

We had such a wonderful time with the Barrs. The boys went fishing and looked for snakes. Uncle Cameron set up a target board for darts and the boys had many tournaments. Austin especially loved playing with Uncle Cameron's drone. Eliza and Jude stayed busy playing "snakes and babies". Now if that isn't compromise, I don't know what is. When Uncle Sevy came the kids were so excited. This is how he walked inside with all the kids...
Yeah...those are Monster Energy drinks...I thought they were empty until I saw little Benny swallow. Before I could completely freak on Tyler, the kids said it was just Gatorade. Tyler dumped out the Monsters and refilled them. Well played...He knows what will make Tiff and I angry. 

We set up the slip and slide one day and ate hamburgers and hotdogs outside. Grammie and Papa Ralph spoiled us with way too many cookies and Costco muffins. 

Right after taking this picture Austin asked, "is there still soap in my hair?" 
It was so wonderful to have Tiffany and her family here though it wasn't long enough. I just love this girl so much. 
And I love this baby brother...I have to remind myself frequently that he is a grown man and not the little boy who has an imaginary friend named White Armor...Sorry Ty. 
Our kids had so much fun with Uncle Sevy and his cute dog Finn. There was lots of tag and wrestling and Uncle Sevy even took the oldest three to the pool one day. 
Austin and Chet now know the correct way to punch...which maybe isn't the best. Time will tell. 
Grammie had her tea party and the kids wore proper attire. Suckers as stirring sticks in their mint tea was a new feature...
Everyone was using their best manners until Uncle Sevy came in and acted like a wild animal, shoving all the food into his mouth and basically acting like a crazy person. Mom and I were horrified...the kids were thrilled, and I'm sad I didn't capture it on video. He then jumped down from the bench and as he was running away, slipped and fell. Mom's cackle made it all the better. It will never be forgotten. 
Grammie also treated us with cream pie when she heard it was something Tanner had been wanting. 

We went to the fair on the last Saturday with my parents, Tyler and Tanner's parents. Tanner even came along too. He rented a scooter and got all kinds of judgemental looks. One lady even loudly proclaimed that she didn't think young people should be able to get the scooters. "They should just use crutches." It's a good thing I wasn't there to hear it because I may have just given her a piece of my mind. Tanner is really good at just shrugging it off though. 
Tanner got a porkchop on a stick and we all decided that was the best thing we had at the fair. 
But those corndogs are still reaaal good. 
And we didn't mind the mac and cheese either. 
We lucked out and found a table to eat lunch at.

Saturday was the perfect day to go because we were able to see all the beautiful draft horses. We watched some of the team entries and had fun trying to guess who the winners would be. I need to find out what the judges look for because there were times I was a little confused why certain teams were picked. 
We also got to see some Llamas. Mariah said, "they are such haughty creatures." I don't think anyone has described them better. 
Uncle Sevy had given Mariah and Chet a challenge at the pool and told them if they completed the challenge he would give them a prize. They accomplished it, (they had to catch him and touch his belly...or something) and he decided they could pick something at the fair and he would get it. He knew Austin and Eliza would want in so he gave them a different challenge, to eat one cricket from the bag he had bought. They didn't even hesitate and popped them right in their mouths. Chet did just for fun. My kids are highly motivated if prizes are involved. Mariah got a little glass dog, Eliza got a stuffed rabbit she named "Sparkles", Austin picked out a super loud obnoxious gun, and Chet decided he wanted to go on the Bumper cars with Uncle Sevy. They were all so happy with their decisions. 
Vivi fell asleep this time during a clogging performance...with her ear plugged. Apparently she needs the noise to soothe her to sleep. By this point we had a whole bag of pretzels spilled in the footrest of the stroller...we just didn't care anymore. 
The main reason why we went on Saturday was to go to the horse pulls. Eliza had fun petting all the Percherons before the pull. It was so amazing to see those beautiful strong horses who loved what they were doing. We helped the time go by faster with ice cream and lots of snacks. 
We ended the day exhausted and sad to say goodbye to Grammie and Papa Ralph who started home that night. Uncle Sevy kept Mariah's spirits up on the drive home and then we said goodbye to him the next day. 

Tanner got his cast off but is still non weight bearing. But it's still progress! 
And that is what you call atrophy...

The kids were in a reading program through the library this summer and ended up winning prizes. Austin won a birdhouse, Mariah won a tablet, and Chet won a fishing pole. They spent a lot of their summer reading books and I'm so proud of them. I wish I would have gotten a video of Chet when he heard he had won the fishing pole. He was ecstatic. I'm so grateful that they love reading so much.

Tanner came home one day with treats in Biohazard bags...we still ate them. 

Aunt Heather came for a short visit. We were able to all go to the temple together and Brittany and Baydon met up with us in Nauvoo. Baydon was amazing and watched all ten kids. He even had already fed them lunch when we got back. 
On Sunday we celebrated Heather's birthday early. 
Eliza wrapped a gift for was regifted chapstick and Austin informed Heather that "it tasted really good." Eliza quickly agreed...and Heather politely thanked them. 

We then had to say goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa Crossley which was really sad. We have loved seeing them so often this summer and are counting down the days when they will be coming again. We are so grateful for all the family we've seen and are always ready for more family or friends to come. Who's next? 

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