Sunday, March 27, 2022

Long Winter Days

Well we did it. We survived the less favorite, freezing, second half of winter. 

Mariah played basketball in January and had a lot of fun. She enjoyed it so much that she decided to play in February as well. It was so fun to watch her learn and grow throughout the season. We bought a jersey that was way too big for her so now she has to keep playing...Chet was very jealous because he is too young to play. 

The kids were able to go to two Valentines parties. They each decorated their boxes with very little help from me. I went into it thinking maybe we could look up some ideas on Pinterest, but once I realized I would be helping with four boxes and saw that the kids would rather do their own designs, I just let them go at it. Much easier for me. 
Mariah had cute little bare-bummed cupids on her box. 

Austin is really good at writing his name backwards. This time it was just the n. 

Chet was so proud of his design. 

Eliza wanted help, but she also wanted to do it herself. So we were teetering on the edge of a meltdown the whole time. I wasn't sure whether it was going to be Eliza or I who cracked first. But we survived and she was happy with her box. 

The girls' heart hair. We ended up being early for their party so the kids played at a park with their hoods on. So I'm not sure if the hearts were even recognizable by the time they got to the party. 

We had some good snow storms and a lot of freezing temperatures, but our chickens survived and we made it through the constant breaking of ice for the animals. 

We got to have the cousins for a few days while their parents were at a job interview and it was a blast. One morning, the kids learned that it was cereal day and Aunt Heather treated them to a bunch of different sugary cereals. So we ate that for dinner. But because I didn't want them to just have that for dinner, we also had hotdogs. All about balance around here. 

It took way longer to get 8 kids ready to go out in the snow then they actually spent outside. I just had to keep repeating to myself, "I'm a fun mom/aunt, I'm a calm mom/aunt." I think it helped...maybe...sometimes. 

And we had to have hot chocolate after spending twenty minutes outside. 

I just loved the captive audience our contractor had while putting our island in. There were lots of questions and Barry was so great answering them all. 

 This picture was taking right before my phone exploded with a tornado watch. I may have panicked just a little as I frantically pulled kids out of the bath. I wrapped the preschoolers in towels and told them to run downstairs. Tanner said I "freaked out". I like to think I was very calm under pressure. We can't all be like Tanner and stay upstairs hoping to see the tornado. I didn't know where the tornado had touched down and I wasn't taking any chances, especially with 10 children. Miri however asked me how I was so I'm going to go with her assessment of the situation. 
After I got the youngest four out and in the basement, I remembered that Mariah was in the other shower upstairs and Terron was in the shower in the basement. The timing of it all was just too good. While carrying Jack downstairs he said, "I hope Blondie will be ok". The older kids then told me that Blondie was their van. Eliza and Jack kept talking about the "tomato" and what it might get. We spent a couple hours crammed in one of the safe rooms (Porter was sleeping in the other one), and we were able to leave it mostly happy with each other. 

The next day we took everyone to church and I think it went rather well. Aunt Heather was a huge help and the kids were awesome during Sacrament meeting. We even had some get up and bear their testimonies. It was very sweet. 

The first day they were with us I think Porter was a little confused. He clung to Tanner whenever he got the chance. The kids had a blast with their cousins and were sad to see them go. The night his parents were coming back Terron told me, "I'm happy that I get to see mom and dad but sad that we have to leave." So I'm going to chalk it up as a win for the week. 

This picture just makes me happy so I want to remember it forever. 

The library here has started a story time and it's at the same time as Mariah and Chet's piano lessons. Eliza and Austin have loved it and were especially proud of their rocket ships. 

We have loved having Aunt Heather here. She has done gel nails on the girls and I and make us feel so pampered. The kids like to sneak down to her room and ask for gum. Eliza asks if Heather will give her gum if Eliza will brush her hair. After getting the gum, Eliza usually lasts around 30 seconds brushing Heather's hair and then figures she's earned her gum and stops. It's the thought that counts right? 

We've had a lot of sickness around here. The kids got the flu and it was way worse than COVID. Austin, Chet and Vivi all had ear infections and we got very little sleep. 

I think this picture perfectly captures the way I felt about it all. 
But we had some beautiful days and were able to get outside and get lots of sunshine and do a little yard work too. 

And now we have the stomach much throw up. We can survive though. Better days ahead! 

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