Monday, March 7, 2022

1 Year Old!

Has it really been a year?! Why does it all go by so quickly? Vivi has changed and grown so much this last month.  
  • She has gotten better at waving and even tries to blow kisses sometimes. 
  • She's learning to be a little spicy and has the best "stink face". She usually does it when someone is up in her grill (cough cough Eliza), tells her no, or takes something from her. 
We had friends over one day and they loved Vivi...she tried to be patient with all the attention. 
  • She thinks the best way to nurse is with her foot in my face. Very relaxing for her...
  • If she hurts Tanner or I and we say "Owe!", she cries like she was the one hurt. 
  • She still isn't a very big eater and is really good at knocking spoons full of food out of my hand when she is done. 
Her favorite food is the food her siblings don't want anymore. 
Although she did eat her whole birthday sweet potato muffin which is a first for any of my kids.  
  • She has become quite the talker, even if we don't know what she is saying. If we are on a Facetime or Zoom with someone, she thinks it's her job to talk the whole time. It's really cute. 
  • She's still such a good sport getting packed around to all her different siblings' activities. 

The other day the big kids did basketball for some homeschool PE and Vivi wanted to be right in the middle of the dribbling kids. 
  • She tries to say, "tickle tickle" and loves to fake laugh. 
  • Aunt Heather has been staying with us and Vivi really loves her. 
But Dad's still the favorite
  • The girls got a new bunk bed and Vivienne has loved climbing up and down the stairs. She only had to fall down them once to decide that I maybe knew what I was talking about having her go down them backwards. 
This is her "oh" face. 
  • She is still busy busy and now tries to climb on everything. She doesn't play with the toys at the library, because it's way more fun for her to climb on all the little tables. 

Her birthday was pretty lackluster after I woke up in the morning feeling awful. My doctor husband said I needed to go in to get tested for Strep and sure enough, I was positive. I came back home feeling sorry for myself and as I was putting Vivi down for her nap I started to say, "Vivi you are so good to me" and mid sentence she pulled back and slapped me across the face. That made me laugh and feel a teensy bit better. It was as if she was saying, "snap out of it mom!'. So the only thing I accomplished on Viv's birthday was getting some pictures of her in the morning. The kids wrapped her presents and we did sweet potato muffins with cream cheese frosting the next night when I was feeling better. 

Her she is with her very first birthday dollar from Aunt Sibby 
Grammie and Papa Ralph called to sing her "Happy Birthday" and she laughed the whole time and then talked their ears off. She's just cute like that. 

Lest we forget what she looked like just a short year ago... I need to go cry. 

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