Sunday, April 19, 2020


We started our Easter celebrations on Palm Sunday. We listened to Rob Gardener's Hosanna and the kids laid their blankets down on the ground to welcome the Savior and we all shouted Hosanna. We had just experienced a Solemn Assembly during the morning session of conference so the spirit was so strong. I was getting choked up just trying to tell my children about the Savior's triumphal entry and what it meant for all of us. 
On Monday we talked about the Savior cleansing the temple and then we cleaned our house, which is always a favorite for me. 
 We tried our hand at baking soda/vinegar tie-dye eggs. Everyone was super stoked to use the rubber gloves. It doesn't take much to get these kids excited. 

 Matchy Matchy! This was the best photo I could get of these two...why take a normal photo? 

Friday we had beautiful weather so we decided that would be the day to have an easter egg hunt. The kids filled the eggs with Jelly Beans (that our good friends the Kasters had dropped off the week before), chocolate chips and marshmallows. So yes, I hadn't thought ahead about what we would put in the eggs, not that anyone is surprised. But the kids were just fine with what we had and they loved stuffing the eggs which made life easier for me.  

 Like I said, they make an effort to not take a normal picture. 

 Eliza was so excited to get eggs and even more excited to eat what was in them. 

 Friday night we had a Passover Seder. I tried my hand at Matzah bread and Matzah Ball Soup. The Matzah balls looked a lot worse than they tasted so I considered it a win. The kids were excited about the grape juice and Tanner learned that he likes horseradish. We tried to do some of the prayers and stories that are done in a real Seder,  but our focus didn't last too long. And I realized later that I didn't even have the first page of the program, which would have helped it to make more sense. There's always next year! Though our Passover meal should have been on Thursday if we wanted to do it the same night the Savior did, it was kind of special having that meal to break our fast with. Mariah and Chet decided they would fast during the fast in March and on Good Friday. They only fasted one meal but I was so proud of them. They decided they would do it on their own and had such a great attitude about it. 

Easter morning the kids woke up and went on their Easter Scavenger hunt. Even though we do it every year and I use the same things in the eggs and the same scriptures, they really enjoy it. Although I do think they are getting too old for me to use the same clues each year; which is a bummer. At the end they each got a chocolate bunny. 

Eliza insisted on the boots 

We had our own Easter service at home. I'm grateful that we have been able to partake of the Sacrament each Sunday. Austin decided he didn't want to wear Sunday clothes or come to our Sacrament Meeting and stayed in his room; Eliza was jumping off the arm of the couch most of the time, but I still felt the Spirit. I'm so grateful for the knowledge that I have can share with my children of our Savior Jesus Christ. He wasn't just a good man who performed miracles and taught the people. He atoned for all of us and after being crucified, rose again, and because of that I know that there is hope for me too. How grateful I am for the Savior's atonement and the sanctification, peace  and assurance that his priceless act gave me.  

Gus and Eliza were pretty excited about the Resurrection rolls. 

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