Thursday, November 1, 2018

Perks of Homeschooling

I am not claiming that homeschool is the best way to educate your children but just like there are some great perks to public school, homeschool has a few of its own.

For one we can take off and leave when we want. A few weeks ago I found out that the Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens in Pittsburgh was having a free day. I was super excited because I have been wanting to go there ever since Tanner drove me by it when we were dating. I found out about it the morning of so I quickly packed a lunch and we headed out.

 There is only a small parking lot in front of the Conservatory and I really did not want to parallel park (the last time I was successful in parallel parking was during my drivers test...pathetic I know). I said a little prayer that we would find a parking spot and right as I pulled into the completely full lot a car was leaving. Prayers are answered people! 
 "It's as big as my face!"
 Probably the boys favorite part was the taxi in the Cuba exhibit

 Eliza was a little angel the whole time. 

Mariah had been learning about plants for a few weeks and one thing that she had been telling me about were sensitive plants and we were able to see some there. It was really cool to watch the leaves curl up every time they were touched. We also had recently learned about Venus Flytraps and Pitcher Plants which they also had. Made me feel like a real cool homeschooler. The place is huge and has so much to see. 

The morning of Halloween I found out that the Children's Museum in Pittsburgh was free that day (Obviously planning ahead is not my thing). The last time we went was two years ago (on another free day, frugality is my thing) and I was really wanting to go again. So we headed on up. 

 Mariah really wanted to get drenched but she tried to practice self control for my sake.
Eliza had two blowouts so she got to hang out in her diaper. It was pretty toasty warm in the museum.

We got to learn about circuits and build some of our own. They had a ton of fun in the interactive rooms going down the slides, climbing and running around. There were a bunch of chain reaction exhibits that they had fun watching as well. Besides some classes that were there at the beginning the museum was almost empty (total homeschool perk). 

And just because I have a ton, here are some of the funny things the kids have said lately: 

Mariah still struggles with eating some things (mostly vegetables), but she tries to be a good sport about it. One mealtime after everyone else had been done for a while she said, "Almost done, everybody cheer for me." 

One morning Austin took the lid from the Almond milk and dropped it into the dairy milk. Mariah was telling someone about it later and said, "Austin put the Almond milk cap in the milk that doesn't even have almonds!"

I don't remember the context of this one but I'm pretty sure I had the same goals as Mariah: "Someday I hope I have a husband who buys me ice cream."

While playing in the backyard, "I want to pamper myself. I've got a bucket of water to put my feet in and I'm going to put a mint leaf on my tongue." She really knows how to live it up. 

After watching the Hill Cumorah Pageant Mariah had to go to the bathroom so Heather took her. As we walked to the car I asked her, "What did you think?" meaning what she thought of the show. She then got really excited and told me how you flushed the toilets with your foot. Apparently that was a lot cooler than the production. 

After asking her what she learned about in church, "We learned about a war where the bad team were the Nutsies." For those of you who aren't well versed in the language of children she obviously meant the Nazis. 

Mariah's theory for how accidents happen: "Your bladder gets so full that it tips and the pee comes spilling out." Pretty creative. 

One day in school we were learning about Michelangelo and I showed the kids a picture of the David. Chet said, "He should have carved undies on him". 

Chet wanted me to pretend to be "spyers" with him. When I asked him what my assignment was he said, "You can be the mom who washes the dishes". He's a real feminist...

One day after talking about Grandpa and Grandma Young Chet said, "Why do they say young, when they're old?". 

When my mom was here Chet was talking about digestion, "I bet I can feel where the food is. Yep, there's the bowl." When my mom asked, "What bowl?" He said, "the bowl the food is mixed up in". Obviously I need to be a little more thorough in my explanations of the mechanics of the body. 

Tanner and I like to ask questions during scripture study and one night Chet said "yeah" to a question that obviously should have been no. After being called out Chet said, "yeah, I just guessed 'yeah' because I wasn't listening." At least he's honest. 

When Mariah said she didn't want to be a doctor, "What the heck?! Doctors are cool too because they get to see people's brains. They drill holes in their stomach and see it." Thats it, we are starting a section on the human body for school. 

While making dinner I had cut me finger so I had to put a bandaid on. When Chet found out what had happened he asked, "Is it just a little cut or did you cut off your finger?" When I pointed out that my finger was still there he said, "The bandaid could hold it on." 

In his primary class they were talking about Noah's ark and Chet informed the whole class, "If that happens again you should call my dad because he's done construction."  

Some of these stories about Austin happened at least six months ago and it is so sad to see how much they change in such a short amount of time. 

Austin went through a phase where he said, "teeny bit" while holding his fingers close together to show. When he was still in his crib he would tell me, "Me only get out of crib a teeny bit". Which usually meant at least five times. 

Austin had Ninja Turtle jammies and when he wore them he would tell us, "Me inja turtle". 

When someone was in Austin's way he would try to plow his way through saying, "scuze me!" the whole time. 

For a while Austin would point out the window and say "Robin Hood!". It took me a few weeks to realize he was pointing out Robins. 

After Mariah lost a tooth we were talking about baby teeth. Austin bared his teeth and said, "daddy teeth!". 

For a few months Austin would stand at the window and watch Tanner leave for work. On his sensitive days he would burst into tears when the car was out of sight. 

He went through a phase where he would say, "Me strong!" whenever he could reach something. 

Me: I like you
Austin: I like dad 
He sure knows how to make his dad feel good. 

Mariah: (talking about someone in a picture) She has really long eyelashes like you. 
Austin: (In an indignant voice) I not girl, I'm boy!

After dinner I asked him, "Are you full?" He pointed to his throat and said, "Mmhm, it's up there". Got him all filled up. 

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