Sunday, July 29, 2018

Always Fun When Grandma Comes!

My mom is such a fun Grandma. She is always trying to think of fun things to do with her grandchildren. My kids had such a wonderful time with Grandma.

Mariah had her dance recital the day after I got out of the hospital. Tanner was a champ and went to her rehearsal before the actual performance. He spent most of his day watching little girls dance, not his favorite thing but he was a good sport about it.
 Mariah did wonderful and was the cutest Narwhal there. At the end of her dance she did a perfect curtsy (not a part of the routine), and then put her hands under her chin in a princess pose and looked for us in the audience. It was adorable.
 Grandma had her traditional tea party full of treats. The kids loved it and even tried to get into character with British accents.

 Tanner and my mom took the kids to Hovatters, a small zoo where you can interact with the animals. I'm not sure who had more fun, my mom or the kids.

 We are definitely going to check out this zoo again before we leave. 
Grandma made these shirts and pillow cases with the kids and it was pretty entertaining to watch my perfectionist mother helping children with paint. We laughed pretty hard trying to help Austin. "Me do it myself!" was said over and over.

My mom bought a pool for the kids and even got in with them one day, which my children remind me of quite often because I have yet to do that. They went shopping one day and came home with all sorts of treasures.

It is so wonderful to have someone come and love your children and give them the attention they need after a new baby comes. I am so thankful for my mom. She is such a wonderful Grandmother and an even better Mother.

Life Lessons

Shortly after moving to Morgantown we were asked by the sister missionaries to pick up an investigator for church. They said that he only spoke French but was very nice. We could see that Serge was a good person right from the start. In very broken English he told us that he was from Gabon and had come to America to learn English. He lived with a cousin (In Gabon, everyone is a cousin, while cousins are called brothers and sisters). Though he had been in Morgantown for three months, he had not gotten any closer to his goal of learning english.

My heart went out to him and his situation; the thought of living in another country where I didn't speak the language terrifies me. So I knew I had to do what I could to help him. There were so many people who rose to the occasion to help Serge. I was able to find him an ESL class at the tech school and the teacher of the class was a huge support to Serge. Sometimes I could give Serge a ride to class but not every day. Serge's teacher was able to get in contact with the bus system here and they do a program where they choose someone each month to get a month of unlimited bus rides for free. They chose Serge so he was able to attend his class.

So many people in the ward helped Serge as well. One brother helped him get a job and another brother in the ward gave Serge a ride to and from work. When Serge moved into his own apartment, many ward members donated things to furnish his new home. He quickly became a valued "member" of the ward, though he had not yet been baptized. A woman in the other ward who spoke French would help translate during missionary discussions and even came to our ward so she could translate for Serge when he spoke during fast and testimony meeting.

Serge became our dear friend. Mariah especially had a special relationship with him. Even though they didn't understand each other most of the time. It's amazing how you learn that there is so much more to a relationship than speaking the same language. We were able to learn so much about Serge without being able to talk much. One day we learned of his phobia of snakes when Chet brought a toy snake to show him and he cowered in the corner until we took the snake away. We also learned that the idea of combining chocolate and peanut butter was revolting to him...which I still can't understand. It's the perfect combination.

 Bringing Serge his favorite ice cream (birthday cake) for his birthday. 

 Serge taught us so much about his country. He cooked us delicious food, and taught us about his culture. He has a fiancee, still living in Gabon, and he showed us his engagement party video, which is a huge affair in Gabon, like an American wedding. A dowry is paid and there is food and dancing. His fiancee, Jeanella came to visit and though she understood even less english we just fell in love with her. She would hold Austin and say over and over, "Oh baby Austin, Oh baby." It was the sweetest thing.

Every year our ward has a party at one of the member's farms. Brother Skousen takes everyone on a hay ride and it can get a little crazy with the rolling hills. There's one part where Brother Skousen puts in the clutch and we get going pretty fast down the hill. Everyone screams, Serge's scream however was more one of panic then joy, he gripped my arm so hard. Afterwords I asked what he thought and he said, "not good, no, not good". I asked if he had ever been on a roller coaster and he said no. I'm sure he thought we were all crazy.

After a little over a year in Morgantown Serge learned of an ESL program in the DC area that would be much cheaper than the one offered at WVU. We were so sad to see him leave. I wondered if he would be able to have friends and the support system that he had here. We were able to visit him in his new ward and the people there were so wonderful. One man in the ward was helping him find a job and he was able to take the discussions from French speaking missionaries. He then moved to a different ward and several months later Tanner received a text from Serge asking if he would baptize him. We were so excited to be a part of his special day.

His new ward is awesome! We met so many wonderful people at the baptism. Serge was baptized with a man who is also from Gabon. There is a French speaking group in his ward that get together often; many of them are from Africa. I felt so discouraged when Serge had to move, and worried that it would be a bad experience for him. But now I can see it was the best thing for him to do. Often Heavenly Father takes us places, or puts us in situations, where we have to have Faith that all will work out. But once we are able to look back we can see the many wonderful blessings that come form acting in faith. Heavenly Father loves us and has our best interests at heart, even if we don't see it at the time.

It has been such a humbling experience to see how willing people are to reach out and serve others. Serge has now had three ward families and they have all been wonderful and willing to serve. We are so grateful for the friendship we have with Serge and everything that he has taught us. God is good and he has put so many wonderful people in our life.

Monday, July 2, 2018

One month with Eliza

 One month with this sweet thing! This month has flown by. It seems like with each child it goes by even faster. 
 My mom came for the first two weeks and spoiled us. It was real hard to let her go.

 Mariah decided she and Eliza both needed to be princesses.
She put this ring on Eliza too. Accessories are so important.
 Austin loves holding his baby sister and is usually pretty gentle with her. I did catch him trying to squirt diaper rash cream on her face this morning...
Tanner got paternity leave through his residency and it was so wonderful. He usually only had to go to work a few times a week and they were always half days. He's made dinners and done so much around the house. 
Chet loves giving Eliza kisses and laying next to her.
  • Eliza loves to eat. She nurses longer and more often than any of my other babies. I just try to enjoy the rest time and not think too much about the other three making a mess of the house.
  • She really likes to be held by Tanner or I, not so much by her siblings. I don't blame her, she must sense the precariousness of the situation whenever they hold her.
  • She has slept the longest stretches of any of my newborns. Most nights she'll sleep a four, five or even six hour stretch. It's glorious. 
  • She isn't the best napper yet but I can usually get at least one good nap out of her, but it takes work. 
  • Bathtime is not her favorite. Lucky for her she is a fourth child so she doesn't have to be bathed very often because I'm a little busy. 
  • She has been very alert from the beginning and has already started smiling some and it is the sweetest thing.
We just love this sweet girl!

Before Baby

I'm going to be playing some major catch up here on the blog. In April the whole family got to go to Iowa for a job interview. All the kids were so good on the two flights there and the two flights back. The hospital interviewing Tanner spoiled us. They got us a two bedroom cottage at a resort and had a basket full of snacks and a basket full of activity books and toys for the kids. I think we all ate our weight in cheese that weekend. After Tanner's interview Brittany and Baydon and their kids came up to hang out for a day. We swam at the water park and the kids had so much fun with their cousins. Besides the snowstorm on the way back to the airport, everything went really well.

 Austin fell asleep both flights on the return trip. The little guy was tuckered out.
The kids and I got to ride bikes around the resort. Austin wasn't too happy about having to ride in the bike trailer. He really wanted to ride a big kid bike like his brother and sister but he couldn't even reach the pedals. He pouted the whole time. But the rest of us had fun. 

We took advantage of the beautiful spring days to get outside as much as possible. 
 Dandelion Princess
 On a hike by our house

We spent a day at Chestnut Ridge and had so much fun. We had a picnic and the kids swam and caught salamanders and Tanner and I got to relax in our hammock. It was a good day. 

 Mariah was an expert salamander catcher by the end of the day. 

 We said goodbye to dear friends. I'm sad Claire isn't in the picture.

 We went to the temple in Columbus. There is a little creek by the temple. As we walked up to it I told the kids to not get too close because they didn't want to get their shoes wet.  In less than a minute both Chet and Mariah got their feet soaked. I really should have known... After the temple we spent some time with friends from medical school. It was neat to see how our kids played together so well. Chet and William share a love of cowboys and Mariah loved holding Adalyn's hand and reading her stories. 
 On the way home the kids got to go to a Cabelas with Tanner while I did some kids-free shopping. 

Mariah lost her first tooth! She was so excited. Her front bottom adult teeth were growing in behind the baby teeth and so we told her she had shark teeth. She thought that was pretty cool. Now we're just hoping her other baby tooth falls out on its own too.

Mariah wrote a few poems for me. She loves to write fancy like in the second poem. I love when she does things like this without prompting.