Sunday, October 29, 2017

Out in Nature

Tanner and I have always loved the great outdoors. So it is very important to us to instill that love into our children. We love exploring new places and enjoying the beautiful world we live in.

Last month we were able to go on several adventures. At the beginning of September we stopped at Swallow Falls on the way home from the temple: 

The next week Tanner had a job interview in Ohio and on the way there we stopped at Hocking Hills State Park which was so awesome. 

We went on two little hikes to see "Old Mans Cave", several waterfalls (they weren't very full because of the season but still fun for the kids) and then the "Devil's Bathtub". 

At the end of September we decided to spend part of Saturday at Coopers Rock State Park. We love to hike under the overlook there and have done it several times now so this time we decided to hike to Henry Clay's Furnace while Tanner did some mountain biking. The kids and I had a great time finding different mushrooms and caterpillars and collecting acorns. The most exciting part of the hike was when dad passed us on the trail. We all thought he was so cool on his mountain bike. 

 This month we got to go to a farm and spend our life savings on a few pumpkins...only kind of joking...

 The train filled up so fast I wasn't able to get a seat for Austin, but he took matters into his own hands and climbed right in with Mariah and Chet. I didn't have the nerve to try to take him out so they rode like that.

We live in such a beautiful area and it has been so fun to explore. 

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