Wednesday, April 13, 2016

My Four Year Old

Guys, we have a four year old...that sweet little miss with the wispy curls and chubby cheeks is four! I really don't know how it happened. We did another interview just to see how Mariah has changed in the past year.

Mom: What is your favorite color?
Mariah: Blue (Tanner and I's favorite color as well. She didn't really have a choice.)

Mom: What is your favorite food?
Mariah: Lunch Meat and Cheese Sandwich (She requests this quite often but always follows up with, "but no cheese, and don't forget the mayonnaise and mustard" and she usually just eats the lunch meat and a few bites of the bread. So yeah, her "favorite food".)

Mom: What is your favorite animal?
Mariah: Horse (Obviously I was pretty happy about that one)

Mom: What is your favorite book?
Mariah: Peter Rabbit (All about the classics)

Mom: What is your favorite movie?
Mariah: Watching The Fox and the Hound (As long as mom or dad are around to reassure her that the bear isn't going to eat anyone)

Mom: What is your favorite song?
Mariah: Mm Mm Went the Little Green Frog (Aunt Heather recorded herself singing it, per Mariah's request, and Mariah and Chet could listen to it over and over)

Mom: What is your favorite dessert?
Mariah: Ice Cream

Mom: What do you like to do for fun?
Mariah: Play outside

Mom: What is your favorite thing to do with Mom?
Mariah: For you to paint those things that I painted. (sun catchers, thanks Max for that Birthday present)

Mom: What is your favorite thing to do with Dad?
Mariah: Well he sleeps and I play. (Tanner: "that stinks" Ha! Tanner does a lot of fun stuff with her so I'm guessing she is talking about when he pretends like he is asleep and she climbs all over him and he randomly will grab her.)

Mom: What is your favorite thing to do with Chet?
Mariah: While he rides on his tricycle and I ride my bicycle. (Not my most favorite thing, pretty sure I could get where we are going faster if I were crawling.)

Mom: What is your favorite thing to do with Austin?
Mariah: When daddy's holding him and when he smiles at me.

Mom: Who is your best friend?
Mariah: Chet (This made me so happy!)

Cutting Chet's hair with a block.

Look at the boy, who wouldn't want to be best friends with him?
Mom: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Mariah: A Teenager (She filled out a little questionnaire for her primary and that is what she said then too. I actually think she has that one mostly covered. But the other day she told me: "Mom I don't want to be a teenager when I grow up, I want to be a doctor like Grandma." My mom is an EMT and apparently that left a greater impression on her than the four years her father has been training to become a doctor. Children...)

A couple days ago Mariah fell off the kitchen counter and split her head open. We went to an Instacare to get it stapled back together. Mariah was so brave. At the beginning the nurses were cleaning the cut out and I could tell it was hurting her. After they left she said, "I thought I was going to cry but then I didn't." I was pretty nervous about them numbing it because I have had stitches twice and that always hurts pretty bad. And Mariah usually won't even let me clean her scraped knees because she thinks it hurts too bad, she's just a tad dramatic. Mariah just wanted me standing by her and she didn't make a sound even though I could tell it was hurting her. Five staples later she is acting like nothing ever happened. Moral of the story...always let strangers handle the injuries. 

This girl is such a good mixture of tom boy and princess. She loves to dance around the house and pretend to be a fairy and doesn't ever want her hair cut because "it's so pretty" but she also can hold her own with the boys. Last night she was playing football with Chet and also playing the role of sportscaster: "And Gaston (her football alter ego) has the ball!" Probably not the best activity the day after getting staples in your head. 

Now that I'm a mother I feel bad for the oldest in the family. They are the Guinea Pig and have to deal with all the foibles of a first time parent. But in spite of our mess ups, Mariah is so wonderful. I love her bigger than life personality and the love that just oozes out of her. Happy Birthday Baby Love!
Now I might just go cry a little...

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