Monday, February 1, 2016

1 Month

Austin boy is a month! It feels like he has been around all along, he fits in so well. We are just crazy about this sweet boy. Here's a few things about his first month that we don't want to forget:

  • He is a grunter. We call him our little bear because he does it so often. I wanted to have him sleep in my room but he was way too loud for me to get any sleep. So he got demoted to the hallway and we are all getting more sleep because of it. 
  • I have a content baby! It is almost surreal to put a baby to sleep while sitting down and rocking in a chair. With the other two I had to be up pacing around the house doing squats and lunges to keep them happy and put them to sleep. At least I got in shape...
  • Austin is very alert. Right after he was born he was trying his hardest to open his eyes. It's like he wants to take in as much as possible.
  • Dad is already his favorite. He has smiled at him a handful of times already...I'm trying not to be jealous. 
  • He's a big boy. Surprise surprise. He had gained a pound by his two week checkup and his doctor thought it was hilarious. He wrote "Failure to thrive. Don't starve him." on his card. Hardy har. But I love the chunk; I don't know what I would do with a small baby. 
  • He sleeps for two to three hour stretches which I guess is average but has been so wonderful for me! Mariah and Chet really lowered my expectations when it comes to sleeping. 
Speaking of the toddlers, they have done so well with this change. They play together so well, for the most part, while I feed the baby and they love to help. Whenever Austin fusses and I can't get to him yet Chet runs and gets books to "read" to him. This entails Chet sitting down by the baby and silently looking at the books. I guess he figures his presence helps? Mariah loves to hold his hand and sing him songs, usually her originals. 

Our chubby little/big boy

There is always such a sweet spirit in a home with a newborn. Heaven seems just a little closer and it's no exception with Austin.


  1. The photo with Mariah kissing Austin. I die.

  2. I love your big babies! What a sweet boy. Miss you guys!
