Sunday, June 7, 2015

Monday Monday

Tanner had Memorial Day off and that was cause for a little celebration. I've been wanting to go on a hike with the family for quite some time and the day was just perfect for it.
I was assigned Chet as my hiking buddy...and he was fantastic. 

The trail was beautiful but steep. About fifteen minutes into the hike Mariah started asking to be carried. But with a lot of cheerleading we got her to walk longer (like an hour!). She kept saying, "the bumblebees are helping me! They are saying, 'you can do it!' they are pushing my bottom." Yeah, motivational bumblebees, I'd never heard of it either. But we sure were grateful for them. 
For a while Tanner carried Mariah and was moving at such a brisk pace that I knew drastic measures had to be taken. I was wheezing. So I decided Chet needed to get down and stretch his legs out, thats what hiking buddies are for after all. I enjoyed Chet's pace a whole lot more. He had to carry a big ol' stick which slowed him down considerably. I don't know how I survived hiking with Tanner before children; he doesn't really understand the concept of a leisurely walk. 

After about two hours of hiking, with Mariah doing most on her own (yay for bumblebees!), we decided to head back down the trail. By this point Mariah was in the Ergo on Tanner's back and I was carrying Chet on my shoulders. Tanner started off at a jog. This was a steep, rock strewn trail. And I have weak ankles, just saying. So Tanner wasn't very happy with the cautious pace I had going. He kept offering to carry Chet too but my pride just wouldn't allow it. Weak ankles or not I was not going to walk empty handed while my husband carried two children. But then Chet started to fall asleep and lost all muscle control and became a lead weight and I started to really slow down. The boy is almost 30 pounds after all. Without saying a word Tanner turned around, grabbed Chet and kept going.  
60+ pounds and no complaints from the man. And we were only about five minutes from the car, so I probably could have made it. But then I wouldn't have been able to admire Tanner's strength and endurance and Chet wouldn't have had such a broad shoulder to sleep on, so it all worked out for everyone's benefit. 

It was such a wonderful day and Mariah keeps asking when the next hike will be. Maybe we should get another backpack carrier, for Tanner's sake. 

1 comment:

  1. Remember when we hiked the Wind Cave in Idaho! That was awesome, so fun to see you guys enjoying hikes as a family! Enjoying the outdoors as a family is the best!
