Thursday, June 25, 2015

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch

My mother is an angel, she really is. She came up a couple weeks ago with my sister Tiffany and they spent a week here. Tiff is a beast and ran the Provo Canyon half marathon. Even with some sick kiddos we had a great time. Mariah and Chet loved loving on Baby Briggs.

When my mom was planning to come to Utah she had decided that she was going to take Mariah and Chet with her back to the ranch so Tanner and I could have our own little vacay. Chet got super sick. He had a really high fever and wouldn't sleep at night. Monday morning his fever broke and my mom, still insisting on taking them, left that afternoon. My mom sent me pictures throughout the week: 
 Having a blast with Grandma's teepee 
 Mariah and Bonnie
 Chet and Clyde

Can you tell from the pictures that they didn't miss mom or dad in the least? Grandpa even had them talk on the phone with me and I thought they might cry. But no, they could barely spare a few seconds to say hi because Grandma was going to give them a "sink". Pretty sure I had a much harder time with them being gone. It was only a total of 4 days, but that is a long time for this momma. 

And Bonnie and Clyde (the lawn ornaments, as my brother Dan likes to call them), are the best dogs for little kids. They will take any attention they can get, even if that means getting tackled, pulled ears or poked eyes.

Tanner and I knew that while the kids were gone we wanted to do something that isn't as feasible with children. So we went up to Bear Lake for a night. We played a rousing round of miniature golf and because I was the only one who got a hole in one and we didn't grab score cards I declared myself the winner. But truthfully, there were a couple holes where I had an embarrassingly large amount of strokes (if thats the correct golf lingo), so I'm pretty sure Tanner would have won.
 Pretty sure my ball went all the way off the course on this one. I'm just gifted like that. 
 The man who always wins so his wife has to make up rules so she can win a stinkin' game. 

That night Tanner got to watch the NBA final game while I read a book and ate chocolate and lounged. And we were very happy with how our night went. 

The next morning we played a couple rounds of Bocci Ball and I almost beat him both rounds, without special Ashley rules even. But of course, Tanner always finds a way to win. After that we rented a jet ski for a couple hours and headed out on the lake. This was my first time on a jet ski and the water was icy cold and I was begging Tanner not to get too crazy. Because he is such a dear he made sure we had a good time but he didn't throw me off once. Just another reason why I love him. After a while I sat on the beach while Tanner went out and did the crazy things men like to do. I was content with looking for little shells to bring home to Mariah and Chet. 

Just a little "wind blown"

After jet skiing we headed into town for some pizza. The cook messed up our order so we ended up with two pizzas for the price of one, no complaining from us. After that we headed back home. 

The next day Tanner had to study so I mowed the lawn. It's amazing what you can get done without children. Though after I was done with the yard I started to miss them something fierce. That night we went to the cheap theater to watch Cinderella which was so cute and sweet and had all the right feels in it. 

By Friday morning I was chomping at the bit (just a little ranch lingo for ya) to see my babies. So we picked up our niece Bethany and headed for the ranch. It was so wonderful to hold my babies in my arms again. They really are my everything. That weekend was our annual fishing derby so we had a lot of fun spending time with extended family. Several of my Aunts were there so Mariah and Chet really worked the Grandma system and got all kinds of treats. Aunt Margaret was giving candy quizzes and my Aunt Phyllis was tickled with how many cookies Mariah downed in a matter of minutes. The girl takes after her mother. 
 Bethany was so helpful with the kids and Mariah loved torturing poor "Tiger". 
 Just checking on the livestock. 

 Grandpa took Mariah out on the boat and she loved it. 
Chet...not so much. He lasted about five seconds. Maybe he was as concerned as I was at the lack of a life jacket. 

After it was too hot for the fish to bite some of the men started skipping rocks. Here is a video of Chet trying to perfect his technique: 

 It is always so great to get together with family. I'm grateful for my mom and dad who give Tanner and I opportunities to build our relationship and are so wonderful to our children.


  1. This post made me so homesick! I can totally relate to missing your babies. I can hardly enjoy myself when I'm away from mine because I miss them so much, and then it's like they hardly realized I was gone when I get back. P.S. Isn't there a shot-put camp or something you can put Chet in? I think he would excel. ;)

  2. You guys are the greatest. Your kids are so stinkin cute and holy cow--mariah's hair!! She's a beauty like her mom. I love all your pics.
