Sunday, May 24, 2015

Rainy Rainy Days

As a Farmer/Rancher's daughter I really try hard to be grateful for "moisture". But these last two+ weeks have gotten real old. Especially with toddlers. Thankfully Mariah and Chet both have rain boots so we still get outside a lot. They are pretty soaked by the time we are done, but the smiles and long naps make it all worth it.

I love when I can capture moments like these...they're rare but oh so sweet. 
And look! Another one! Chet ate it that day, but it didn't seem to slow him down.

And just because, here's some good Mariah quotes to remember: 

One day she told Tanner, "I need to snuggle with you for a while 'cuz you're so cute!". I would have to agree with her on that one. 

One day she was singing to the tune of When I am Baptized but she had come up with her very own lyrics: "I like to do some push-ups, I like to look at bees". 

After looking at the cover of Hop on Pop, "They shouldn't do that. They should give him a back rub or sit and talk with him". Can you tell we have had to talk about how you should treat daddy when he is laying on the floor? 

Mariah: Mom, lets get married.
Mom: I'm already married to dad though. 
Mariah: It's my turn now; we can wear dresses!
I'm pretty happy that she likes me enough to propose to me. 

When for once I shut the bathroom door while going to the bathroom (the nerve of some people): "Are you kidding me!? I need my violin back!" Priorities people, priorities. 
Mariah has a problem with markers, leave her alone for more than thirty seconds and the art work ends up on her. Luckily it was washable. 

After falling asleep at 5, waking up very hangry, and finally calming down enough to eat some food..."After this I want to take a long nap so I won't be angry." Me too, sister Sue. 

Our friends from Medical School have come to visit the last few weeks, which has been wonderful. Their little boys name is Maxwell, but he only goes by Max. When walking by a bookshelf he saw a book with Neal A. Maxwell on it and said, "Look! Maxwell!" We all said, "Good job! You're right!" A little while later Mariah stood in front of the bookshelf and said, "Where's Mariah's Whale?" Just a classic. 
Mariah got to go to her first princess Birthday party and loved it. Every time a new girl arrived she ran up to her and asked, "what princess are you?" She was so excited about everyone else's dresses. It was pretty sweet. 

And our Chet boy: 

Is still obsessed with shoes. That is what he spends the majority of his time doing, walking around in other people's shoes. High heels, boots, tennis shoes, sandals, flats, any and all shoes will do. 
These shoes make his legs look fantastic...

He loves to go outside any chance he can get. His favorite things in the great outdoors are rocks and puddles. He also loves to dig in the dirt and dump it in places where it isn't supposed to be. 

This boy wants to be just like his big sister. So if she puts on a princess dress, he wants a princess dress. I have been able to convince him that ties are cool because then he looks just like daddy. 

The other day Chet got a pretty good goose egg at the park. He fell from pretty high up so it could have been much worse. But I still felt bad for the little guy. 
Those lips...slay me.
Chet has started to become quite bossy (how do I get these children?). In public, if Mariah wanders too far away he calls for her, "Yaya, Yaya". He also jabbers at other random children in a very bossy tone. 

Our boy has discovered Basketball (baball) and is obsessed. When he sees fans cheering he lifts both hands in the air and says, "Yay!" with a big smile on his face. Now if he hears it on Tanner's phone he runs right over to watch. Tanner is very proud. 

These two are my light and my life. I just love watching them change each and every day. They really are the best. 

1 comment:

  1. Mikey cannot remember lyrics to songs to save his life, he always makes up his own. He and Mariah could sing perfectly together!
