Monday, March 16, 2015

18 Months

I'm really not ready for this milestone. I keep trying to slow the boy down but he won't even listen. So because I'm really emotional this is going to be a long post. I don't want to forget a single thing about my 18 month old. Because in a couple of seconds he'll be 18 and going on a mission. sniff, sniff.

First, his loves:
From the time he could grab onto something with his chubby man hand, he has loved shoes. I've gotten to the point of hiding his shoes because if he finds them he immediately brings them to me saying "ssssshhhhhzzzzz! sssssshhhhhhhzzzzz!" (shoes) and insisting I put them on him. Our closet is usually a shoe cluttered mess because Chet loves to get all the shoes down and try them on.

He also loves to reorganize my kitchen. I am aware that my organizational skills aren't always on point (Tanner usually helps me out when we move into a new place), but Chet makes sure I know he is not satisfied with the layout on an almost daily basis. While I am cooking he either packs as much as he can fit into a laundry basket, or he moves everything from one place to another. He just likes to keep me on my toes.

He still is very passionate about his "beebee" (blankie and binkie) and cannot have one without the other. We tried to just give him his binkie during Sacrament Meeting and he was adamant about needing the blanket as well. So last week was the first time he went all three hours without his loves. And he did really well.

He went through a phase, that is sadly starting to fade, where he had to have his special ball with him wherever he went. When he woke up in the morning one of the first things he would say was "Ba, ba?" We had some tense moments when I couldn't find the ball fast enough.

He really wants to do whatever his sister is doing. Until he doesn't want to anymore and she tries to make him. Then we have screaming and tears from both parties. But for the most part they really play wonderfully together. Chet and Mariah both are so good at sharing with each other. It makes me so proud when they do too.

He has started asking me to get in his crib and snuggle with him now. And since I have the build of a ten year old boy (ha) I climb right in. I'm sure I'll regret it when my girth causes the crib to come crashing down, but how can I resist my sweet boy patting the bed and saying, "me? me?". No, I cannot resist, so I take my chances.

He actually is showing some interests in books too! Happy day! I didn't know if that would ever happen. His favorite book is I Love You Through and Through. Anytime I start to read a book Mariah has picked out he immediately runs to the book shelf and picks out what he thinks is a better choice. But I'm not going to complain because he will actually sit through most the books he picks now.
We got Mariah and Chet their own Book of Mormons hoping it would help with family scripture study. It does...occasionally. 
He still loves to make big messes at meal times but sometimes he'll suddenly freak and start panicking and saying, "meh (mess), meh, meh" over and over until I help him clean it up. I think it is all a ploy to keep me standing throughout the entire meal. Once he is done he likes to fling food as far as he can. Little stinker.

Now just a few more things that I really love about him:

He folds his arms in the cutest way with his hands tucked under his chin. We have tried to correct him but he knows that his way is better.

He is starting to talk more. I love when he sees a picture of "Jeezah" (Jesus) or "dadda" because he gets so happy and says their names over and over. He now will point to himself and say "Chet". And he is starting to pick up animal noises although his go-to sound is always a barking dog. He likes to say "Amee" (Amen) with everyone else in church but is often just a little behind. I don't know where he got this but water is "lalala" and I'm going to be sad when he stops saying it that way.

Our little Babushka 
Chet had no problem transitioning to Nursery. Which made me happy. I'm sure having his sister in there helps.

After his bath he insists on wearing his hooded towel. He looks like a little hobbit walking around.
Yes, it's pink. Perks of having an older sister. 
This boy is so joyful and his joy is so contagious. We are glad that he is ours!
"Helping" Aunt Heidi play the piano. I just love his cheeser grin. 

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