Thursday, January 1, 2015

Fifteen Months

I am so in love with this boy. He just keeps getting sweeter and sweeter.

He loves to tickle. He gets this mischievous look on his face and with wiggling fingers says, "ickle, ickle, ickle." He tickles toys, phones, computers, but he gets the best reactions out of his sister.

A while back Chet started stacking food on his cup at mealtimes. He is very serious about the whole thing.

He had a little run-in with the stairs at Grandma and Grandpa Crossleys'. The stairs won and Chet was carried away with a goose egg. It really helped him to be more cautious around stairs which is a blessing.

Grandma Crossley has a big slide and Chet had so much fun climbing up the stairs and going down it all by himself. The fun quickly ended though when he landed at the bottom on his face. Poor boy had a major rug burn on his nose.

Chet's go to word is "Booka" he does use it when he is referring to a book. But he also uses it for everything else. He still uses the words he learned a couple months ago, but he hasn't really learned many new words. Booka works too well and he just can't replace it.

Check out the complexions on my children. And yes, I let my children gnaw on apples in the tub. 

He really wishes he could be in nursery. He gets really sad when I bring him into the Relief Society room. Three more months big boy, you can make it!

His binkie and blanky are still his favorite things but he has now learned that they stay in the crib. It makes naptime and bedtime an experience to look forward to. Which makes my life a little easier.

He loves babies. Anytime he sees a carseat he makes a beeline for it. He starts talking softer and then tries to poke the poor babe's eyes out. So we have some things we need to work on.
I don't know what we'd do without this sweet boy! Well I guess we'd sleep through the night, but thats the only benefit I can think of. He really is such a joy!

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