Tuesday, September 23, 2014

My 1 year old!

It happened and I'm a little weepy. Chet is 1!  I wouldn't say that this year has flown, but I still was caught by surprise when September rolled around. My baby boy, already a year old...

Here's just a little something something about the Chetmeister:

He's starting to stand on his own. He gets so excited and starts laughing every time and then he slams down on his bottom and does it again. I'm afraid he's going to lose a few inches with each slam.

He is so very ticklish. And he has the sweetest giggle you ever did hear. 

He can not stand getting his diaper changed or getting dressed. I often have to resort to pinning his shoulders down with my feet. Good thing that isn't something that has to be done often. Oh wait...

 We have an extremely messy eater on our hands. And he does not like to be wiped down after mealtimes. There is a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth that goes on.

He is even more attached to his daddy. He cries when Tanner leaves the room. And he is saying "dad" and "mamamama" more and more often.

He can now sign for food but only when he is really hungry. Try as I might I cannot get him to do any other signs. He just stares at me with a sweet smile every time I try.

He has gotten really good at saying "hi!".

His number one defense/attack move against his sister is dropping his head and ramming her with it. He must get that from his Grandpa Young.

He loves to look out the front window with his sister.

He is a big fan of his blankie and binkie. I try to only let him have them while he is sleeping or in his carseat. But he makes a beeline for his crib anytime one or the other are in reaching distance.

Still sleeping through the night for the most part. Which makes me a very happy momma.

He has a little bit of stranger danger going on. He rarely cries when someone other than his mom or dad hold him, but he definitely tries his hardest to get back in our arms.

He has started giving big open mouthed kisses every once in a while and we just love that.

Although this last year has been a real kick in the pants I wouldn't trade it for anything. Chet you are our sweet sweet boy and we love you so. We can't wait to see you learn and grow with each and every year!

1 comment:

  1. We tried only letting Mabin have his blankie and binkie while he was sleeping but that lasted about one day. Kid loves his soothers. So yep, I have a 2 1/2 year that takes his blanks and binks EVERYWHERE with him. Except church, we've stayed firm on that one. Aren't you proud of us? Ok maybe this should have been an email....hmmm.
    But Chet is a cutie! I love that his hair is getting lighter and lighter with every new photo. Miss you.
