Friday, November 15, 2013

Life With Two...

I spent 9 months wondering and worrying how I would be able to handle two sweet babes only 18 months apart....Well, we're still alive.

But really, it has gone much better than I imagined it could go. But here are some of the many things that I took for granted before becoming a mother:

  • Private Bathroom time. I think Mariah would have an aneurism if I ever shut her out of the bathroom, or she would decide to play Ring Around the Rosie with her brother and give him a concussion. I never truly enjoyed my showers from the past. They now consist of a toddler holding the shower curtain open crying and saying "all done" over and over and over, sometimes with the screams of her brother as background music. 
  • The making of meals. I often dreaded making dinner, "I have to come up with something to make, thats so hard". Boy I would like to go back and shake myself. Coming up with what to make is the least of my worries. Now I have to make sure Chet is fed and content and protected from his overly loving sister. I have to try everything shy of standing on my head to keep Mariah from clutching my leg, or worse yet, pulling down my sweat pants while I am cooking. And yes, I frequently am wearing sweat pants at dinner time. I often stay in sweats all day long. However, that was going on long before the children arrived. I'm all about comfort. 
  • Using Electronic Devices. Mariah is now officially addicted to technology. If I try to quickly check something on my computer she is trying to bang on the keyboard or crying because she can't reach the keyboard. If she sees me with her my i-pod Touch she insists on watching videos of herself and it is the end of the world if I deny her. Same goes for Tanner's i-pad. She just recently has decided that my cell phone is now hers as well. So basically all electronics are put away/hidden when she is awake. Which probably isn't a bad thing. 
  • Sleep. Oh glorious sleep. I regret all those nights where I stayed up so late. I took sleep for granted, silly me. Now if I get three continuous hours of sleep in the night I'm elated and feel like I've slept for days. There are those nights when I finally get Chet asleep and crawl back to bed only to have Mariah cry out for me. Those are rough nights. 
  • Reading books. I always wanted children who loved books but I think I was hoping for a love of many books not just one. I'm afraid if I have to read Going on a Bear Hunt one more time I might completely lose it. And that is why I have hid it under the couch.
I hope I'm not misunderstood with this post. I love being a mother and wouldn't trade it for any other job. But it is a hard job, much harder than I ever anticipated. One of the ways I deal with stress is to laugh at my situation. I like to follow the advice of Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin, a leader in my church:

"The next time you're tempted to groan, you might try to laugh instead. It will extend your life and make the lives of all those around you more enjoyable."

This is what keeps me sane people, finding the humor in the moment. And trust me, the humor is there, no matter how badly you want to kick your child out of the house or shut yourself in your room and never come out. So I hope you all found the humor in this post. I want understanding and laughter, not pity. 

I love my little terrors and love the person they are helping me to become. 

And yes, at times I consider Tanner a terror...


  1. I love your little family! I will be in your shoes soon so if you can do it I can do it. You are a great mom!!

  2. There are lots and lots of things I would go back and shake myself over. Your kids are adorable!

  3. These are Mabin to a T. Every single one. Mariah and he should hang out while we kick it and regroup. Good thing your kids are cute, Chet is so chubby I just wanna squeeze him. Mikey would say he has gravy in his legs.

  4. Also wanted to say, it's good to know we aren't alone and that our children are just being normal kiddies. At least it feels good to me, sometimes I think Mabin is one of a kind with the tricks he pulls.

  5. That's a great quote! And I always think how brave women like you are, that are willing to have children so close in age. Love you, Ash!
