Friday, November 29, 2013

Big Man's First 2 Months

The Chetmeister is now 2 months old! The time has flown and dragged on...if you are a mother you will totally understand what I mean. I keep falling in love with this boy more and more. Here are some things about him at this stage that I don't want to ever forget...

His sweet sweet smiles. They aren't too frequent right now but that makes them all the better.They totally make the late nights all worth it.

His sleep habits. I don't think I'll actually be able to ever forget this. Chet is just a little too crazy about me and can't stand to spend more than two hours at the most without seeing me. So that is why we have already started sleep training, something I thought I would never do with a newborn. Some nights he does pretty good. Others are downright miserable. But I'm surviving.

The way he makes his sister laugh. Mariah thinks it is hilarious when Chet starts kicking. It makes her giggle every time. I love that he is already bringing her joy.

His girth. Chet weighed a whopping 15 pounds at his two month check up. That is more than half of Mariah's weight. She better start packing in the food or her little brother is going to pass her up. Judging by this picture it looks like he already has.

All his hair. Some has fallen out so it isn't distributed evenly on his head, making him look like a friar or a 90s kid with a bowl cut, but I still love it.

He is such a sweet boy and we have loved seeing him get more of a personality each day.

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