Monday, February 3, 2025

18 Months

It's official, Asa is a big boy, at least in his mind he is. 
He loves to "help" and his siblings are usually patient with him. Also, we cut off the mullet. The curls weren't looking so great so I knew it was time to go, but it still made me sad. 
He loves to run away from me and is getting faster. 
He always wants to be outside, but he isn't a fan of winter clothes. Maybe he just knows he's actually in a girl's snowsuit? 
He did like being towed around on a sled though. 
He loves being with his brothers and they are so good to him. 
His big sisters are pretty great too. Basically, he doesn't run short on love and attention. 
He's in full reorganization mode now and he takes his job of emptying out drawers and cabinets very seriously. 
He really loves markers and I'm just waiting for the day when one gets left out and he can go to town on the walls/furniture. 
He is getting better and better at communicating with sign language. If he is trying to ask for something he doesn't know the sign for, he sometimes starts trying different signs hoping I'll figure out what he is asking for. He still doesn't talk much but he uses "mom" for when he wants comfort and "dad" for when he wants to do something fun. He also uses "ball" for a lot of things. And his little "de do" is the cutest thing. 
Asa loves to "sing" and makes the funniest facial expressions while he serenades us.  
He still loves to throw least favorite is probably food off his tray when he's done eating so he can call "Dosie!" (yes, he doesn't have any of his siblings' names down but he can say the dog's name). Asa recently discovered the joy of throwing things down the stairs too, so that's been fun. 
He also has figured out how to climb up on chairs and it's only a matter of time before he figures out how to push them over to higher surfaces. Pray for us. 
He's been working on his fake cry lately and has gotten pretty good at it. 
He spent thirty minutes in nursery but then decided he should join me in singing time...that way he can help out. Whatever would I do without him?
He thinks it's hilarious when his siblings try to dodge his gaping mouth as he comes in for a bite. We need to work on our poker faces so he realizes it isn't actually funny. 
The boy knows he's adorable...even with the biting and hair pulling. 
How do you not spoil the baby? 

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