Monday, June 3, 2024

10 Months of Asa

This boy...I don't know if I'm ready for him to be 10 months. It might be breaking my heart a little.
He was a little unsure about grass the first time we set him in it, but now he drags himself all over in it, trying to find things to put in his mouth. 

Asa still isn't a big eater, but he has become more willing to try new things. He still prefers what Tanner calls his "ultra-processed" drink  (breastmilk). 

I gave him his first haircut because I didn't think it was going to curl at all. And then it got humid and his hair has the sweetest little curls. Oh well, it will grow out. 

Asa is learning to defend himself from Vivienne; he left her a pretty good bite mark on her arm after she tried to wrestle him. I'm glad he can stand up for himself. 

He loves going into the boys' room and messing with their legos. The dog dishes are his next favorite place to be. 
He still prefers his army crawl and can move pretty fast with it. 
He is so attached to Tanner and gets so sad if Dad doesn't pick him up. When he's happily playing, I try to be quiet because if he hears me talking he starts searching for me and isn't happy until I pick him up. 
We started out the month with amazing nights of sleep, several all-nighters even. After one night of Tanner laying by him for an hour, Asa decided his pack and play wasn't such a bad place to sleep and thats where he's been since. We ended the month with another fever and more teeth, so sleep hasn't been as good, but still better than the past. Which is probably why his getting older has been so hard for me this past month. It's amazing what a little sleep will do for ya. 
He is really proud of his little chompers and loves to bite me. If I catch him before he sinks his little teethers in then he clacks his teeth like a little piranha...funniest thing. 

We love our little Ace-man but he can just slow down on this growing thing...please. 


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