Friday, April 5, 2024

Our March Madness

 Things were getting just too quiet and calm around our house...well, as calm as a home with six children and a dog can be. So we decided to start some more construction projects. Tanner started on his dream rock wall/bouldering cave in the basement. 
The kids have loved the wall that he put up so far and can't wait for the dream to be completed. 
We also put new doors upstairs and have started on our much-anticipated office/murphy bedroom. We hired someone else to do it, lest you think we are that crazy. Whenever we're in the middle of a home reno project I swear we're not going to do anything else ever again, we'll just stay in an outdated house with a non-functioning fireplace and itty-bitty rooms; but then we go a year and I forget and we start another project. So I'm sure we'll eventually have a functioning fireplace, thanks to my short term memory. 

We celebrated Vivi's birthday at the beginning of the month. I love birthdays for my 1-3 year olds because the expectations are so low. 

Vivi just told me she wanted a pink cake...last minute Eliza started asking her if she wanted a bunny or kitty cake and I had to put the kibosh on that real quick. Mommy was tired. Vivi was just thrilled with pink thankfully. 

We had the opportunity to hear from Elder Cook from the Quorum of the 12 Apostles speak at a special Stake Conference. He answered some questions that had been on my heart for quite some time and the spirit was so strong during his testimony. I am so grateful for his sacrifice of time and effort that he has consecrated to the Lord. 

March came in like a lamb and we went on some wonderful walks. 
Some of our neighbors have some cats that get so excited whenever we walk past their house. They try to rub on the kids' bikes until one of them stops and pets them. 
We also admired our other neighbor's adorable new baby calves. Spring is just the best. 
Vivi has always enjoyed sneaking outside, but she has started venturing out to our timber, often barefoot and very underdressed. She always claims that she is "looking for the kids." It's a problem, but I thought this picture of Eliza walking her back up to the house was so sweet. 

Tanner tweaked his back the Friday before Easter week but we still tried to make it a good one. We took the week off from school and tried to focus on the last week of the Savior's life. 
We tried to dye eggs during Vivi's nap to avoid too much stress for me, but she must have sensed the fun she was missing out on and came out when there was just one egg left to dye. So she was able to dye one egg, which was more than enough for my anxiety over dye and a three year old who doesn't follow orders. But she seemed satisfied. 

I also was able to pull off a pretty successful Passover meal, considering Tanner was out of commission. The big kids helped me a lot and even though we were done before we could welcome Elijah in, I'm going to call it a success. 
Easter Eve was spent in Nauvoo. I was able to do a session and then Tanner went in with the youth to do baptisms. 
After my session I walked down to where Tanner was and I felt so full of God's love as I enjoyed the warmth and the sound of the birds. It was a simple yet beautiful experience I don't want to forget. 
Tanner's back was still really bothering him but with lots of prayers and some medication he was able to go all day. I'm so grateful for his desire to help others get to the temple. 

We loved this little bat hanging out right by the temple door. He just wanted to be closer to Jesus...can't blame him. 

Easter morning was a little different this year after getting home late the night before, but we made it to church early so Tanner could get things set up and Mariah practice her song with a group of women. We enjoyed a really special Easter program that Tanner put together and then headed down to Brittany's for dinner. I made a bunny cake that looked more like a pile of mashed potatoes, but it tasted good so thats what is most important. We enjoyed seeing Aaron and Jaycee and their sweet family for a little while before they had to head home. 
And this was the only picture I took on Easter Sunday. My little sister sent a picture of her two littles pouting in a picture wishing us all a happy Easter so we all sent grumpy faced pictures back. But I am so grateful for the Easter season and the assurance it gives me that I and everyone I love will live again, because of Jesus Christ. How grateful I am for that knowledge! 

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