Sunday, March 12, 2023

Vivi is Two!

The older this little spitfire gets the more it has been confirmed that we named her well. The original meaning of Vivi is alive or lively, and I can't think of a better way to describe this girl.  
  • She loves playing in water and we can usually count on a puddle or two on the floor. Our socks are never safe. If she finds a cup of water unattended it is either dumped into the dog bowl or dumped on the floor. Chet decided Vivi's favorite Disney princess is Moana: "I wish I could be a perfect daughter, but I come back to the water, no matter how hard I try." 
She loves when Chet invites her into his room. He is so sweet and patient with her. 
  • She does not like to sit in one place during mealtimes. She loved to stand up in the high chair on the island and I was so worried that she would fall out so we finally put it away. Now her favorite thing is to move to as many chairs as possible during a mealtime to make sure she has really left a trail of food and smears. She also tries to snitch food from her siblings' plates or even worse, put chewed up food she doesn't want on their plates. So yes, mealtimes aren't very relaxing right now. 
  • She also loves everyone else's toothbrushes so those are now up high where she can't reach them. 
We ruin her fun a lot...
  • She used to say "sa" for yes and it was so adorable. After a phase of saying no for yes (we barely survived that), she now says a very clear and drawn out "yesss". 
  • When Eliza (started out as Shisha and is now Yiza) is sad and crying, Vivi likes to try to imitate her. She also tries to imitate the sounds of different characters on Mario Cart. 
These two have started playing together and they usually get along. Their favorite game to play is babies. 
  • Vivi loves "goggies" and kitties. Whenever I sit down to help someone with school, there's Vivi cramming her way in to ask me to draw her a kittie. 
  • Vivienne has the fastest and most infectious laugh ever. She loves to be tickled and asks "again" over and over until we're sick of doing it. 
  • She's a little clingy and use to say "shoe!" for hold you. Now she just demands, "hold you!"
Excuse the bathroom photo, but I just needed to show the level of clinginess we're talking here. 
  • Vivi has never liked wearing bows or getting her hair fixed. But when I fix her sister's hair she always asks, "fix hairs?" and then promptly rips the hair ties out within seconds and asks for it to be fixed again. It's a vicious cycle. The other day I had a headband in my hair and she said, "Mommy cute!"
For a while I thought about trimming the mullet, but now that her curls are getting longer we are just embracing it. She rocks it. 
  • A couple weeks ago in Sacrament Meeting Vivi dumped a whole bag of cheerios out in the aisle. This was right before the sacrament so Tanner got down on his hands and knees to clean it up before they were crushed. While crawling around the congregation sang, "Fill our hearts with sweet forgiving, teach us tolerance and love." It was too perfect in the moment and lightened the whole situation. 
  • Vivienne loves to sing and even though she doesn't say specific words she has a sweet clear little jabber to whatever tune she chooses. 
  • First thing in the morning she is asking for "bekfast" and she is always excited for "munch". While she is asking for food all throughout the day she doesn't eat very much. She'll ask for a banana, and it must be the whole banana that she has to peel, but she will share a piece after that, then after one bite she is done. Oranges are another problem, she will chew the pieces up and then spit them out. I guess she's getting a little bit of nutrition from the juice? But she will never turn down cheese so she is her father's daughter. 
  • She loves to go outside and we have to lock the doors so she doesn't escape or let Josie out, her other favorite pastime. 
  • She gets really annoyed with Josie and loves to boss her around. I always think they look so cute looking out the window together but Vivienne gets angry and pushes Josie down every time. She is learning to be more soft with the doggie though. 
  • She and Porter have a pretty typical two-year-old relationship. Lots of taking from each other, trying to steal things, and tattling. I'm sure they'll be best friends one day. 
  • Her talking is getting better and better but she still loves to speak in her own special jibberesh. We all think it's adorable and will be sad when she stops. 
Vivi loves when she can make someone laugh. Lately she has been doing this fake belly laugh that is just fantastic. 
  • She loves to talk to people on the phone and jabbers away as if everyone can understand exactly what she says. 
  • Vivi loves to open and close things but if it's a little too tricky for her she'll bring the thing she is working on to someone and say, "ope it." 
  • She loves being read to and brings books to us all throughout the day. She is even ok with Eliza "reading" to her. 
  • Vivi gives awesome kisses and hugs. It makes me so happy!

We love this lively little light we have in our life. It wouldn't be the same without her! Happy Birthday Vivienne Kay! 

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