Sunday, January 22, 2023

Austin is 7!

Austin is a year older!  He may not have changed much in size...but he has made so much growth that has been so exciting to watch. Life has been crazy so I was slow getting his interview done. But he made sure to remind me quite frequently until we did it. He is such a sweet middle child. 

What is your favorite color?
Austin: Dark Blue 

Mom: What is your favorite food?
Austin: Stuff...what was my favorite food last time? Hamburgers (Austin either is always hungry, or barely eats anything at all. It can be hard to keep up.)

Mom: What is your favorite animal?
Austin: A Horse
Horseback riding was for Chet's birthday, but Austin had just as much fun.

Mom: What is your favorite book?
Austin: Harry Potter

Mom: What is your favorite movie?
Austin: Chronicles of Narnia 
Mom: What is your favorite song?
Austin: The Distance (by Cake, Austin loves music and has many requests in the car. I love to see the big smile he gets on his face when a favorite song of his plays.)

Mom: Who is your scripture hero?
Austin: Captain Moroni and Mormon (Austin always begs me to read more while we're reading scriptures together. We're in the war chapters and he has really loved them. He also makes sure that we give him chances to read in family scripture study and he is improving so much.)

Mom: What is your favorite dessert?
Austin: Cinnamon Rolls

Mom: What do you like to do for fun? 
Austin: Playing Legos, playing with my brothers and sisters

Mom: What is your favorite thing to do with Mom?
Austin: When you read a book to me (Austin is my least demanding child, so when he asks if I will do something with him I always try to do it.)

Mom: What is your favorite thing to do with Dad?
Austin: Watch football games with him (Austin knows that his dad is the strongest, smartest, and tallest man...and I hope that he feels that way for a long long time.)

Mom: What is your favorite thing to do with Mariah?
Austin: Wrestle (Austin is our peacemaker so he loves wrestling until everyone starts to get mad, then he usually clears out.)

Mom: What is your favorite thing to do with Chet?
Austin: Play Basketball
Carving sticks with the dogs...These two boys are almost always together. Austin has done so many things before Chet did because he wants to keep up with his big brother. He's been using a pocket knife for several years now and finally got his own on his birthday. Chet insisted on buying it for him. 

Mom: What is your favorite thing to do with Eliza? 
Austin: Play Stuffies with her (They set up all the stuffed animals and play different scenarios: family, grocery store, vet...)
These two are starting to play more and more together. They usually play while the older two are finishing school and it is so nice to see them getting along. Austin also enjoys helping Eliza with her school. 
Mom: What is your favorite thing to do with Vivi? 
Austin: Play Battle with her (He'll probably regret this later, but Austin likes to fight Vivi with their light sabers, and she gets really into it.)

Mom: Who is your best friend?
Austin: My family 

Mom: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Austin: A Scientist

Austin has a real desire to be the oldest and one day during a discussion that I don't remember the topic of he said, "You shouldn't kill anyone just to be older." I'm grateful that he has that understanding...

One day at a homeschool group activity all the children had to introduce themselves and say one activity that they enjoyed doing. "My name is Austin and I like to eat food." I think that must be genetic. 
When trying to express how much he loved sweets to me he declared, "I'm a sugartarian". If there are treats in the house, he knows about them and asks each day if everyone can have one. 

It is hard for Austin to go to bed early if his older siblings aren't home yet. It had been a long day and I knew he really needed to go to sleep, but Chet wasn't going to be home from basketball practice for another hour so I was getting desperate. And then inspiration came: I let him know that sleep is very important for children who are growing and that good sleep can even help a child grow more. I then told him that this could be his chance to get an edge on Chet. I could see the wheels turning in his head and then he got a little grin on his face and immediately snuggled down under his covers and tried to fall asleep. He was asleep in minutes. It's not often that I say just the right thing but when it does happen, it must be documented. Austin likes to frequently remind Chet that just because he's taller than Austin now doesn't mean it will always be that way. 

Austin doesn't often have the patience for pictures, but he does love to take selfies. Here's a few of my favorites.

Austin is quite the adventurer, always trying to keep up with his siblings. While at the Jump Park for his birthday he was nervous to go on the zipline, but once he saw Chet and Mariah do it he was determined to go. I was proud of him and his bravery. 

Austin loves to create and especially enjoys legos. He got several different kits that can be made into multiple things and he often disappears to his room to work on another lego project. I love the sense of pride he feels when he makes something all on his own. 

Austin loves hand knitting and made a scarf for his cousin Anni’s birthday. 

He doesn’t draw as often, but every once and a while I’ll get a gem like this.

Austin started piano this year and has done really well. I waited a little longer to start piano lessons with him and I think that made the difference. He usually only needs help on the first day after his lesson and then he is able to practice on his own, sometimes with a little guidance. He loves the prizes and the gumball machine at the studio. 

Austin is still very loving. He enjoys sitting by Alice at church as often as he can. 

I'm excited to see all the ways Austin will grow and change this year. We are so grateful to have him in our family. 

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