Tuesday, September 28, 2021

8 Year Interview

I feel like I'm losing my little boy with each passing year. Sometimes I'll see Chet out of the corner of my eye and not even realize it's him because in my mind he's still five years old dressed up like a cowboy. This growing up thing is hard! 

Mom: What is your favorite color?
Chet: Green and Black

Mom: What is your favorite food?
Chet: Homemade Pizza

He still loves pretty much all food, as long as it isn't rotten or have bugs in it or anyone else's spit on it. Unless it's ice cream or candy, apparently sugar kills all germs. Who knew? 

Mom: What is your favorite animal?
Chet: Horse and Dog
The boys and Mariah used to fight over who got to have Gus sleep with them. It didn't take Mariah long to figure out that she would be able to sleep in later if Gus wasn't there to wake her up. Chet loves Gus and doesn't even mind when he jumps into bed with him. 

Mom: What is your favorite book?
Chet: The Chronicles of Narnia and Harry Potter

He is really starting to like history and any war books I can find. 

Mom: What is your favorite movie?
Chet: The Apple Dumpling Gang
Mom: What is your favorite song?
Chet: Follow You by Imagine Dragons

Chet loves to sing this song and always laughs at himself when he has to make key changes. 

Mom: Who is your scripture hero?
Chet: Jesus

You can't have a better hero than that! He has been so diligent in his scripture study each morning and now that he has his combination scriptures, he often follows along during family scripture study.

Mom: What is your favorite dessert?
Chet: Certain Cakes and Cookie Dough Ice Cream
He has to specify with "certain cakes" because he has had to eat some of my fails. 

Mom: What do you like to do for fun? 
Chet: Climb Trees and wrestle and play downstairs

Mariah got Chet a watch for his birthday and he loves to time himself doing things like climbing trees. Chet is up for anything as long as someone else will do it with him. He's a big time extrovert. 

Mom: What is your favorite thing to do with Mom?
Chet: Not School, Give me some ideas...read to me. 

Don't have to wonder how Chet feels about school...unless I'm reading something to him. He'll sit through straight up Shakespeare. 

Mom: What is your favorite thing to do with Dad?
Chet: Play Basketball

Mom: What is your favorite thing to do with Mariah?
Chet: I like when she reads to me and usually her presents are the best ones. 
Gift giving is Mariah's favorite way to show love so she always works hard to earn money for presents. 

Mom: What is your favorite thing to do with Austin?
Chet: Play with him and wrestle him
These two still fight a lot and they are crazy competitive with each other but they are also best friends. Austin was sick the other day and Chet kept saying how much he missed Austin and wanted to play with him. 

Mom: What is your favorite thing to do with Eliza? 
Chet: I like to hear her play
This one made me laugh to myself. Eliza isn't always the easiest to play with. She's not the most flexible but she does come up with some pretty entertaining scenarios as she plays. 

Mom: What is your favorite thing to do with Vivi? 
Chet: Lay down and snuggle her. 

He loves to help keep Vivi happy and will even get her out of her bed in the morning sometimes. 

Mom: Who is your best friend?
Chet: Everybody, at least everybody I know. 

Chet is a loyal friend. He wants to be a part of everything and to feel included. 

Mom: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Chet: Either a scientist that looks at dinosaur bones or a cowboy, the normal ranch hand. 

He was very proud of his bug hunting gear

He's getting quite the sense of humor, if 8 year old boy humor is your thing. It can be hard to get a normal picture of him because he's always trying to see how goofy of a face he can make. 

He's still very big for his age and is always thrilled when people think he is the oldest. Mariah and he are the same height but I don't think it will be much longer before he outgrows her. 

Chet and I are pretty similar in personality and clash quite frequently but we always try to apologize and do better. I feel like in a lot of ways it has made us closer. Chet often tells me how when he grows up he wants a house by mine so his kids can have sleep overs at my house. I hope he will always want to live by me. He is also planning on having cows, horses, and dogs. 

He loves to build things and legos are his favorite toy. Grammie has gotten him some Pokemon cards and he and Austin like to lay out their cards and talk about them. I know nothing about Pokemon but they seem to make my boys happy. 

We are so grateful for our Chet boy. He is learning how to be a good big brother and a big help around the house. I am so grateful for his big smile and desire to learn and grow. Here's to another year! 

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