Thursday, May 6, 2021

Two Months

Our little Vivi fits in so well with our family. I'm already having a hard time remembering what it was like before her. She isn't lacking in attention or love.  
  • She takes a bottle, the first of my babies that has consistently done that. Tanner is great and will often keep her when I go to church on Wednesday nights for youth activities. 
  • She's starting to smile and interact with us a little. She has the daintiest coos and the sweetest dimple. 
  • She still spits up a lot but it is less projectile and doesn't seem to cause her as much pain. I went off dairy so that may be what is helping. We also took her to a chiropractor but we didn't see a huge improvement after that. It was worth a try though. 
This was at the beginning of April, you can see how far the spit up shot out of her mouth. 

  • She takes a binkie still but doesn't usually want it unless she's hungry. But I'm not complaining.
  • She likes to fall asleep with Tanner's hand on her face.
  • She's my only baby that has fallen asleep during tummy time. It doesn't seem to bother her like it did my others.

  • She doesn't fall asleep until 10:30 most nights but then usually sleeps a 5-6 hour stretch. She goes back to sleep well after eating in the night and that has really helped. Even though she's really quiet at her night time feeding, she tries her hardest to wake everyone up for her morning feeding with some really loud wails. After her morning feeding, she usually falls asleep in my arms and that makes it really hard to get out of bed. She still hasn't been the best napper but has started to improve the last couple weeks.
  • Even with all her spit-up she is still chubbing up nicely. She now weighs 11 lbs 6 oz. Which is just 6 oz more than what Chet weighed at birth...yowza. 
We are adjusting to the craziness of a new baby and can't imagine life without our sweet little Vivienne


  1. Her dimples are soo adorable!!! Love this new cousin of mine!!
