Thursday, April 8, 2021

One Month with Vivi

At the end of the month, we had one day with both sets of Grandparents here. We decided that it would be the best time to do Vivienne's baby blessing. The Bishop came to our home and we were able to do it here. 
Tanner gave a beautiful blessing and Vivi was an angel the whole time. 

This little girl is so so loved.

We are so grateful for the VanderMartin's friendship. 

Grandma and Grandpa Crossley were the first to come after Vivi was born. They were so helpful and we are so grateful for everything they did. So many meals were made, laundry and dishes done, and the house was nice and clean. 
This is a picture of Grandpa vacuuming...he's a national treasure. 

Grandpa Crossley worked hard on the property and in the house. He made breakfast each morning and always did the dishes after. He also cleared out another section of timber. Before they left, he gave Chet and Austin work gloves to thank them for all the help on the property. They were so excited about them. 

Grandma Crossley read lots of books, helped with piano and made delicious dinners every night. She also helped Tanner take out carpet and paint trim in one of the rooms we have been working on. After finding a thorny locust tree she made a crown of thorns for our Easter decorations. She was always encouraging me to go and sleep, which was so helpful.

One night the older four built a fort and slept in it. I was ok with them doing it, especially Eliza, because I knew Grandma and Grandpa Crossley were down in the basement too and would be able to hear any problems. Grandpa Crossley sent me this picture when he went down to sleep. 

Then my parents came. I was so spoiled this month having so much help. My mom made dinner every night and a bunch of freezer meals. She kept the kids entertained and let me nap whenever I needed to. She helped me decorate my front room and get it ready for family pictures. My dad took my kids on long drives where he tried to talk to farmers and embarrassed my children. It's good for them, thats why I turned out so well, all the times my father embarrassed me. One day he took them to see a bunch of brand new baby calves. They also went and looked at tractors and the kids got to sit in a big Combine. There is a little ice cream place by our house and I'm pretty sure my parents took the kids there at least three times. 

Grandma had her obligatory tea party with lots of treats.

And now a little about our sweet little Vivienne
  • She's finally starting to fall asleep faster after her middle of the night feedings. I'm so grateful I had helpers around when she was keeping me up 3-4 hours in the night. 
  • We think she might have reflux. After meals she acts like her stomach is hurting and she spits up a lot. I've started feeding her less at each feeding but more frequently throughout the day and that seems to help. Maybe...or maybe I need to feed her more? Maybe it's dairy, could be chocolate...Or the cycle of the moon? Basically, I know nothing...
  • As long as she's being held, she is a really happy baby. Once all my help left, I started putting her in the wrap in the morning so I could get things done and she sleeps away. 
  • Her siblings have all been so helpful. Mariah and Chet hold her for me and Austin and Eliza run little errands like getting her diaper or binkie. If I'm still asleep when they wake up, they all just get to work on their Big 6, piano, feeding the chickens and Gus. I guess I'll keep them.
  • She takes a binkie! After having three who wouldn't take one, I'm so happy. 
  • She has the least amount of hair of any of my babies and has a pretty great receding hairline. She wears it well though. 
  • Her soft, girly cry is so sweet. She also has the best little pucker that melts me. 
  • She hates baths and getting dressed but doesn't seem to mind tummy time. 

This month has flown by and we're all so in love with our little Vivi. She's the favorite. 

Her cleft chin and dimple just kill me...

Here's one photo that the photographer sent early...sweetest little bebe. 

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